Page:Rover Boys in the Mountains.djvu/88

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"The ice has gone down!"

"Some of the boys will be drowned!"

"Get some boards and a rope, quick!"

These and a score of other cries rang out. In the meantime those near to the hole skated with all speed to one place of safety or another.

Some of the imperiled boys who had not gone down very deeply managed to scramble out with wet feet or wet lower limbs only, but when the crowd had drawn back it was seen that three boys were floundering in the chilling water over their heads. These boys were George Granbury and Frank Harrington, who had been supporting Tom on their shoulders, and Tom himself, who had been dropped into the opening head first by the frightened lads.

Realizing that something must be done at once, Mr. Strong ran to the boathouse, which was close at hand, and soon reappeared, carrying a long plank. He was followed by a boy with a rope, and several boys brought more planks and more ropes.