Page:Rover Boys on Land and Sea.djvu/105

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"Somebody gave a cry," said the captain, to those who began to gather. "Looks to me as if the rail gave way and let somebody overboard."

"Tom Rover was on deck," came from old Jerry. "Do you reckon as how it was him?"

"I don't know. It was somebody, that's certain. Call all hands at once."

This was done, and Dan Baxter had to come out with the rest. He was pale and trembled so he could scarcely stand.

"All here," said Captain Blossom. "Must have been one of the Rover boys or one of the young ladies."

Word was passed along and soon Sam and Dick came rushing on deck.

"Tom is missing!" cried Sam.

"If that is so, I'm afraid, boys, you have seen the last of your brother," said Captain Blossom. He turned to his crew. "Do any of you know anything of this affair?"

There was a dead silence. Then he questioned the man at the wheel.

"Don't know a thing, cap'n," was the answer.

"It's queer. He must have pressed on the rail very hard. Here are half a dozen nails torn from the wood."

While this talk was going on Dick and Sam