Page:Rover Boys on Land and Sea.djvu/120

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lay aside their jackets. By noon they reckoned that they had covered six or eight miles. One after another stood up on the seats to take a look around.

"Nothing in sight yet," said Dick, with a sorry shake of his head. "We must have been mistaken in that dark spot."

"What will you do now?" asked Grace. "The hot sun is beginning to make my head ache."

Sam's head also ached, but he said nothing. Nobody knew what to suggest.

"One thing is certain; we can't remain out on the bosom of the ocean," said Dick.

"Better continue to pull southward," came from old Jerry. "There are lots of islands down that way. The map is full of 'em."

"Yes, the map is full of them," answered Dick. "But a quarter of an inch on the map means a hundred miles or two in reality."

Yet it was decided to row on, trusting to luck to strike some island, either large or small. It was now fiercely hot, and all hands perspired freely.

By the end of the afternoon the boys were worn out, and had to give up rowing. The girls were dozing in the stern, having covered their heads with a thin shawl, stretched from one gun-