Page:Rover Boys on Land and Sea.djvu/127

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gun I could bring down lots of birds, and monkeys, too."

"I don't think I'd care to eat a monkey," said Grace. "But I wouldn't mind eating birds."

"There must be plenty of fish here, too," said Tom. "In fact I saw some sporting in the waters of a little bay up the coast."

"Shall we go up and down the coast after breakfast?" asked Sam.

"My advice is to climb yonder hill and take a squint around," came from Captain Jerry.

"That's a splendid idea, providing we can get to the top," said Dick.

"There is no use of all of us going, lad. You can go with me while the rest stay here."

"What shall we do in the meantime?" asked Sam.

"Better try your hand at fishin', lad, and see if you can knock some birds over with sticks and stones. If ye get anything, let the girls cook us somethin', for we'll be powerful hungry; by the time we get back."

Half an hour later Captain Jerry and Dick set out. Each carried a few ship's biscuits and also a heavy stick which had been cut in the thickets. Each wished he had a gun or a pistol, but those articles were not to be had.

The climb up the hill was by no means an easy