Page:Rover Boys on Land and Sea.djvu/183

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"Two can play at that game."

"There will be only one in this game."

"Do you want to fight me?"

"I am perfectly willing," responded Dick recklessly. His anger was deep at that moment.

"All right then, come on!" howled Baxter savagely, and, squaring off, he aimed a blow at Dick's face.

The attack was so sudden that Dick could scarcely prepare for it, and though he dodged, Baxter's fist landed glancingly on his cheek.

"There you are, and here's another!" cried the bully, and his other fist shot out, catching Dick on the shoulder.

But now the oldest Rover was on his guard, and in a twinkle he let drive, taking Dan Baxter in the eye. It was a staggering blow, and made the bully gasp with pain. Then Dick fol lowed it up by a crashing blow on the chin, which sent the bully reeling into the low water on the beach.

"Don't—don't run me into the ocean!" he spluttered, and, watching his chance, ran out of the water and up the beach.

But Dick was now thoroughly aroused, and he made after Baxter. When he got close enough, he put out his foot and sent the bully