Page:Rowland--The closing net.djvu/112

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time in getting to the point. As soon as the door closed I said:

"Count, I am sorry to trouble you again, but there is a fresh complication. Mr. Cuttynge has just been to the office with the pleasing news that his wife's pearls have been stolen also."

Ivan's face was not pleasant to see.

"Indeed? " said he, "what are the particulars?"

"Before I say more," I answered, "permit me to assure you that I have no doubt whatever but that this is the first news you have received of this latter theft."

Ivan bowed with a sort of satirical smile on his thin lips.

"Thank you," said he. "I would scarcely have given you the first string if I had meant to keep the other."

I told him what I had just learned from John. Ivan's face darkened.

"What is your theory?" he asked.

"I suspect Chu-Chu," said I. "To my mind there is no doubt of it. I think that he went back last night and collared Mrs. Cuttynge's pearls while she and Miss Dalghren were in the studio. He knew that their hands were tied. No doubt he considered his obligation to you discharged when he handed over the others."

Ivan frowned and shook his head. "No," said he; "Chu-Chu is one of my regular workers, and not at liberty to do anything on the outside. Or, at least, if he should attempt anything on his own account, he is bound by our agreement to turn the proceeds in to me. Only in this case his percentage