Page:Rowland--The closing net.djvu/137

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my threat she would dare to dispose of them. It must be something else.

I shoved the gauge into my fuel tank and found that I had but fifteen litres, for big cars going on the road buy their essence outside of Paris, as you know, to save the octroi duty.

"Fill the reservoir," I said to the mécanicien. "I am taking out some clients and do not want to bother to stop outside."

While the man was getting the petrol I did some rapid thinking. I did not believe that Chu-Chu was going after the pearls. But, then, what was he up to?

Another idea struck me. What if Chu-Chu's errand was not to get the pearls but to dispose of them? What if he had turned the pearls in to Ivan and the two had come to an understanding and decided to insist on Léontine's getting rid of them, taking the chances on getting the gems from me later by methods of their own? It was possible that they might be confident that I would keep the gems on my person, and even at that moment Ivan's bloodhounds might be on my trail. A moment's thought and I was sure that this was the actual situation.

I went quickly to the office of the garage. Prince Kharkoff, I knew, lived near the Parc Monceau, and it was most probable that he garaged in this same establishment.

"What time did the car of M. le Prince Kharkoff go out?" I asked.

"At ten o clock, M. Clamart," said the manager. "M. le Prince is off for London."