Page:Roy's wife of Aldivalloch (1).pdf/3

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O'er the MUIR amang the HEATHER.

MARY mourn'd in formal weeds,
the death of Roy of Aldivalloch,
While her ſoul with paſſion burn'd.
for Johny and the Braes of Balloch.

Chor. O'er the muir amang the heather,
Chor. O'er the muir amang the heather,
Chor. O the days that I have ſeen,
Chor. Amang the bonny blooming heather,

Her curling locks wav'd in the wind,
the tears ſtream'd down her cheeks ſae bonny,
And ay the burden o' her ſong,
was wae's my heart I've loſt my Johny.
O'er the muir. &c.
And ay the burden o' her ſong,
was waes my heart I've loſt my Johny.

O curſe upon the warld's pelf,
that won my Mammy and my Daddy;
Wha gae me to auld Roy's arms,
and bade me leave my ain true laddie.
O'er the muir. &c.
Wha gae me to auld Roy's arms;
and bade me leave my ain true laddie.

But gin I had my Johny here,

In ſpite o' Mam and canker'd daddy,