Page:Roy's wife of Aldivalloch (1).pdf/6

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Likewiſe to jolly ſeamen
that ſail all the world round.
The ſupporters of our nation,
the honour of our King and Crown.

Here's a health unto our army,
the Britiſh boys by ſea and land,
To pleaſe the lovely laſſes,
we always do run on command:
For Pady Burn is my name,
the ſame I'll ne'er deny.
From the county of Wicklow I came,
and its there I'll live and die.




I Married with a ſcolding Wife,
the fourteenth of November,
She made me weary of my life,
by one unruly member.
I long did bear the heavy yoke,
and many griefs attended.
But to my comfort be it ſpoke,
now, now her life is ended.

We liv'd full one and twenty years,
as man and wife together.
At length from me her courſe ſhe ſteer'd,

and went I know not whether.