Page:Roy Ralph Hottman - Practical Collection Procedure (1923).pdf/36

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lets, printed in attractive form, can be mailed to the cus- tomers at different intervals. An article on the subject of credit is given in Chapter VIII, for use in house organs, while short trite sayings are given below. Additional let- ters will also be found in Chapter VIII. It is a very good plan to have 1000 or so sheets of stationery bear some short pertinent remark pertaining to credit at the bottom of the sheet, for the use of the Credit Department; and when these are used up to have a different short saying printed on another 1000 sheets, and so on, in order to keep before the debtor continuously the subject of Credit.

Procrastination is the destroyer of CrEprT.

CreniT is the best friend of business.

CrepIT is simplicity itself, but it is intricately complex in its simplicity.

Build upon the rock of good, sound Crepir.

Crepit is built by prompt payment of bills when due,

Good Crenir is the advance guard of prosperity.

Crepit and Prosrrrtry are fast friends—but they will never meet until good, old, sound Crepir makes the first move (first makes his appearance).

Do you seek Prosperity? Then first find Creprt.

Crepir is built up by advising a creditor promptly if a bill cannot be paid on the due date.

Crepiv is faith in mankind.

Crepit makes possible the world’s daily business of billions of dollars.

CREDIT enables you and me to eat our daily bread before we have earned it.

Difficulties beset the path of he who does not guard his CREDIT.