Page:Roy Ralph Hottman - Practical Collection Procedure (1923).pdf/93

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as they are more likely to cause offense. The debtor who is inured to letters from his creditors, however, needs something to prick him a little.

Dear Sir:—

Please favor us with check for $24.00 to cover the enclosed statement, and greatly oblige.

Yours truly,

Credit Department.

Dear Sir:—

We do not seem to have had any response to our recent statement of account for $24.00. Please let us have check at this time and oblige.

Yours truly,

Credit Department.

Dear Sir:—

Please find enclosed, statement of account for $24.00. As this is made up of July purchases it is now considerably over- due.

Kindly let us have check at this time.

Yours truly,

Credit Department.

Dear Sir:—

Apparently our last two statements for $36.00 due on our account, have been mislaid. Kindly remit and greatly oblige.

Yours truly,

Credit Department.

Dear Sir:—

Enclosed find statement for $36.00. This is now some time past due and should be given attention. Will you please let us have your check to cover?

Yours truly,

Credit Department.