Page:Roy Ralph Hottman - Practical Collection Procedure (1923).pdf/96

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Extending our appreciation of your past valued patronage, and trusting we may enjoy a continuance of our pleasant business relations, we remain

Yours truly,

Credit Department.

Three Reminders Before the Due Date.

It is sometimes advisable to send out letters to reach the debtors two or three days previous to the due date of the bills. Especially is this true of debtors inclined to be tardy, and in some cases where the bill is fairly large and one wishes to be certain that arrangements will be made to meet the obligation when due. The letters will, of course, be sent to fit the case, and good judgment must be used as to whom they are to be sent. Debtors are easily offended at this procedure unless it is done with tact, for it virtually assumes that they cannot be relied upon to meet their obligations of their own accord, when due.

A sales letter similar to the following is a good method of calling a debtor’s attention to an approaching due date.

Dear Sir:—

How do you find our Excelsior brand of tomatoes to be selling?

As you doubtless know, these are being advertised heavily, and I would suggest that you do not let your stock of these run too low. We always endeavor to make shipment the same day an order is received, but even so, shipments are sometimes delayed in transit and it is therefore well to carry a large enough stock on your shelves.

The price is still $5.75 per case, F. O. B. here, which allows you a very good margin of profit.