Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/189

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under his command,” as set forth in two anonymous letters, written by Thomas Thompson, late Master of that sloop, and addressed to Earl Spencer, H.M. Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department.

As the minutes of this court-martial have long been before the public, it may appear superfluous for us to say more than that the charges were declared to be “scandalous and malicious,” and that Captain Hawkins was consequently acquitted; but we cannot refrain from placing on record the testimony borne to his general character and conduct by Admiral Sir Charles M. Pole, Bart., who addressed a letter to the Judge Advocate, of which the following is a copy:

Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, Feb. 9, 1807.

“Sir,– Having understood that Captain Hawkins was to be tried by a court-martial, now assembling at Portsmouth, on charges of oppression and cruelty to those under his command, it was my intention (if the business of the borough of Plymouth had not intervened) to have offered myself as a most willing and anxious witness to his general character and conduct for near 20 years; to have declared on oath, if I had been permitted, that Captain Hawkins served with me from the year 1786, as Mate and Lieutenant, and scarcely ever out of my knowledge of his behaviour and conduct, until the day of his promotion, from the Royal George, in 1798. In the whole of that period, his character and conduct was that of a most humane, considerate, and benevolent officer, zealously attentive to the sick and suffering seamen; and I should have further declared on oath, if I had been allowed, thut he is almost the last man in the service, against whom such an accusation could have obtained credit with those who have known him best.

“I am not aware that I could have presumed to say more on this subject, even if I had attended the court-martial, as I know nothing of the present evidences; but it is a duty I owe to Captain Hawkins to declare, that his mind must be entirely changed, if be is not aa benevolent and kind to the sick as any officer in the British navy ever was. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)Ch. M. Pole.”

Moses Greetham, Esq.

Captain Hawkins afterwards held an appointment in the sea-fencible service, and we lastly find him commanding the prison-ships at Plymouth.