Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/212

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this evening by the Austrian troops, and the whole of the enemy to inarch out on the 9th, at ten A.M. – As soon as I can make ready a copy of the terms, I shall have the honor of forwarding them to you.”

Captain Cadogan’s detailed account of the operations against Zara was never published, owing to its late arrival in England; but we know that that fortress had no less than 110 guns and 18 howitzers mounted, and that its garrison consisted of veteran troops, commanded by Baron Roisé, an experienced French general. Twelve gun boats were also taken on that occasion. The following is an extract from Rear-Admiral Freemantle’s official letter to the Admiralty, written at Trieste, and forwarded from thence with the above hasty despatch, overland to London:

“The judgment, perseverance, and ability shewn by Captain Cadogan, on every occasion, will not, I am persuaded, escape their Lordships’ observation. With the crews of a frigate and a sloop he has accomplished as much as required the services of the squadron united at Trieste.”

We much regret that it is not in our power to procure the necessary information for entering into a further detail of this very important service.

Captain Cadogan was nominated a C.B. in 1815; and the Order of the Empress Maria Theresa was conferred upon him about the same period. He married, April 4, 1810, Louisa Honoria, sister of the first Lord Wallscourt; and he is at present heir presumptive to his half-brother. Earl Cadogan.

Agents.– Messrs. Goode and Clarke.

Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath.
[Post-Captain of 1807.]

Was made a Lieutenant May 21, 1709; and advanced to the rank of Commander Jan. 22, 1807. His post commission bears date Mar. 23, 1807.

We first find this officer commanding the Dover frigate, under the orders of Vice-Admiral William O’Brien Drury, commander-in-chief on the East India station; by whom he was entrusted with the charge of a small squadron sent to attack the Moluccas, in 1809. Shortly after his arrival on the coast of Java, the Dover and her boats captured two brigs,