Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/269

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by Sir Home Popham, in an official letter announcing the capture of Buenos Ayres:–

“The squadron anchored on the afternoon of the 25th (June) off Point Quelmey à Pouchin, about 12 miles from Buenos Ayres. * * * * The Encounter was run in so close as to take the ground, the more effectually to cover the debarkation of the army in case of necessity: the whole, however, was landed in the course of the evening without the least opposition; consisting of the detachment of H.M. troops from the Cape, and that from St. Helena, with the marine battalion, under the orders of Captain King, of H.M.S. Diadem, which was composed of the marines of the squadron, augmented by the incorporation of some seamen, and three companies of Royal Blues, from the same source of enterprise, which had been regularly trained for that duty, and dressed in an appropriate uniform.

“I consider Captain King, with the officers of the marine battalion, so completely under the report of General Beresford, that I shall only state to their Lordships my extreme satisfaction on hearing personally from the General how highly he appreciated every part of their conduct, particularly the celerity with which they transported the artillery and troops across the Rio Chuelo ” (on rafts, &c., prepared by Captain King) “after the bridge was burnt by the enemy.”

We have reason to believe, that Captain King’s actual promotion to the rank of Commander took place at the close of Lord Barham’s naval administration; and that he was posted ia consequence of having served as a volunteer on the expedition against Copenhagen. His latter commission bears date Oct. 13, 1807.

Captain King subsequently commanded the flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Durham, on the North Sea station. Since the peace, 1814, we find him successively appointed to the Leonidas and Eridanus frigates, to the preventive service in the Isle of Sheppy, and to superintend the packet establishment at Falmouth, which last appointment he obtained April 7, 1823.

Whilst residing in the above island. Captain King suggested the propriety of placing the hawse-holes of two-decked ships on the main-decks, and of three-deckers on the middle-decks; in order that the grand battery might always be unincumbered; that the cables might be bent or lashed, and a foul anchor cleared, with greater facility and less danger; and that many other advantages might be obtained, the whole