Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/84

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to consign to the particular care of Captains Anderson and Mac Donald, while the Castilian attacked others, it now appeared best to employ this ship in effectually securing her.

“The Naiad accordingly ran her on board; Mr. Grant, the master, lashed her alongside; the small-arms men soon cleared her deck, and the boarders, sword in hand, soon completed her subjugation. Nevertheless, in justice to our brave enemy, it must be observed, that his resistance was most obstinate and gallant, nor did it cease until fairly overpowered by the overwhelming force we so promptly applied. She is named la Ville de Lyons, was commanded by a Mons. Barbaud, who is severely wounded; and she had on board a Mons. la Coupe, who, as commodore of a division, was entitled to a broad pendant[1]. Like the other praams, she has 12 long (French) 24-pounders, but she had only 112 men, 60 of whom were soldiers of the 72d regiment of the line; between 30 and 40 have been killed and wounded.

Meanwhile, the three brigs completed the defeat of the enemy’s flotilla, but I lament to say, that the immediate proximity of the formidable batteries, whereunto we had now so nearly approached, prevented the capture or destruction of more of their ships or vessels. But no blame can attach to any one on this account; for. all the commanders, officers, and crews, did bravely and skilfully perform their duty. If I may be permitted to mention those who served more immediately under my own eye, I must eagerly and fully testify lo the merits of, and zealous support I received from Mr. (John Potenger) Greenlaw, first Lieutenant of this ship, as well as from all the excellent officers of every description, brave seamen and marines, whom I have the pride and pleasure of commanding. I have the honor herewith to inclose reports of our loss, which I rejoice to find so comparatively trivial, and that Lieutenant Charles Cobb, of the Castilian, is the only officer who has fallen[2], &c.

(Signed)P. Carteret.”

Thus terminated the French naval review at Boulogne; and on the following day Napoleon Buonaparte proceeded along the coast to Ostend, on his way to Cadsand, Flushing, and Antwerp[3].

On the 6th of the following month, Captain Carteret captured le Milan, French lugger privateer, pierced for 16 guns, with a complement of 50 men; and shortly afterwards le

  1. Mons. la Coupe’s broad pendant was displayed both days, but it appears to have been hauled down, in order to keep it clear of the mast-head, when la Ville de Lyons put her head, for the last time, towards the French shore, and the rapid approach of the British squadron caused the enemy to neglect re-hoisting it.
  2. Total 3 killed, 16 wounded; 2 of the former, and 14 of the latter on board the Naiad.
  3. See note at p. 24.