Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/33

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absence of the frigates and sloops composing the Dungeness squadron. It is sufficient to say, that “the diligent and judicious manner in which he executed his duty on all occasions,” obtained him the unqualified approbation of his superiors.

From the Basilisk, Lieutenant Shepheard was removed to the Earl St. Vincent cutter, in which vessel he continued upwards of two years; cruising on the coast of Scotland, about the Orkney and Shetland islands, and occasionally in the Baltic. Finding himself passed over in the grand promotion that followed the battle of Trafalgar, he addressed a letter of remonstrance to Lord Barham, whose answer we shall here transcribe:–

Barham Court, 1st March, 1806.

“Sir,– Such disappointments as yours are frequently unavoidable, and particularly mortifying where the party has such merit in service as would entitle him to promotion.

“It was on this ground that I gave your name in for a Commander’s commission, not on any other, you were unknown to me.

“How the mistake has happened, I have not been able to trace, but I am confident it did not rest with me; and I am equally sure, that when your services are known to Mr. Grey, and that my intention of promoting you was not owing to private but to public recommendation, he will pay due attention to your claims.

“After the very great promotion that took place before I left the Admiralty, it would be presumptuous in me to make any application to my successor; but of this you may be assured, that if the power should ever fall again into my hands, I shall think it my duty to make your services a first consideration. I am. Sir,– &c.


To Lieut. Shepheard, &c. &c.

On the 15th Aug. following, the subject of this memoir was promoted to the command of the Demerara brig, on the Leeward Islands’ station; in which vessel he captured a Spanish privateer, and entirely suppressed the depredations of the enemy’s row-boats from the Oronoco river; his services on the unhealthy coast of Dutch Guiana, were thus officially acknowledged:–

Court House, Stabrack, Demerara, April 29, 1808.

“Sir,– His Excellency, the acting Lieutenant-Governor, having communicated to the Honorable Court of Policy of these colonies, that you bad left the West Indies for Europe, on account of the state of your health,