Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/225

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information of the dépôt of flour (alluded to in your note of the 23rd instant) being with some military and other stores, situated at a place called French Town, a considerable distance up the river Elk, I caused H.M. brigs Fantome and Mohawk, and the Dolphin, Racer, and Highflyer, tenders, to he moored, yesterday evening, as far within the entrance of this river as could be prudently effected after dark; and at eleven o’clock last night, the detachment of marines now in the advanced squadron, consisting of about 150 men, under Captains Wyborn and Carter, of that corps, with five artillerymen, under first Lieutenant Robertson, R.A. (who eagerly volunteered his valuable assistance on this occasion), proceeded in the boats of the squadron, the whole being under the direction of Lieutenant G. A. Westphal, first of the Marlborough, to take and destroy the aforesaid stores, the Highflyer, under the command of Lieutenant T. Lewis, being directed to follow, for the support and protection of the boats, as far and as closely as lie might find it practicable.

“Being ignorant of the way, the boats were unfortunately led up the Bohemia river, instead of keeping in the Elk, and it being day-light before this error was rectified, they therefore did not reach the destined place till between eight and nine o’clock this morning, which occasioned the enemy to have full warning of their approach, and gave him time to collect his force and make his arrangements for the defence of his stores and town, for the security of which a six-gun battery had lately been erected, and from whence a heavy fire was opened on our boats the moment they approached within its reach; but the launches, with their carronades, under the orders of Lieutenant Nicholas Alexander, first of the Dragon, pulling resolutely up to the work, keeping up at the same time a constant and well directed fire on it, and the marines being in the act of disembarking on the right, the Americans judged it prudent to quit their battery, and to retreat precipitately into the country, abandoning to their fate French Town and its dépôts of stores: the whole of the latter, therefore, consisting of much flour, a large quantity of army clothing, of saddles, bridles, and other equipments for cavalry, &c. &c. &c. together with various articles of merchandize, were immediately set fire to, and entirely consumed, as were five vessels lying near the place; and the guns of the battery, being too heavy to bring away, were disabled as effectually as possible, by Lieutenant Robertson and his artillerymen; after which, my orders being completely fulfilled, the boats returned down the river without molestation, and I am happy to add, that one seaman, of the Maidstone, wounded in the arm by a grape-shot, is the only casualty we have sustained.

“To Lieutenant G. A Westphal, who has so gallantly conducted, and so ably executed this service, my highest encomium and best acknowledgments are due; and I trust, Sir, you will deem him to have also thereby merited your favorable consideration and notice. It is likewise my pleasing duty to acquaint you, that he speaks in the highest terms of the zeal and good conduct of every officer and man employed with him on this occasion; but