Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/228

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it was considerably after day-light before the advanced division turned a projecting shoal point, behind which the vessels lay, and round which is the only possible way by which the shore can be approached with safety; the enemy, therefore, had some little time to prepare for defence, which he did not fail to avail himself of, and immediately the boats doubled the point, a heavy fire was opened on them from a brig and schooner, which hoisted American colours, and were soon discovered to be the only armed vessels there: Lieutenant Westphal, therefore, with his division, “pulled directly and resolutely for these,” under cover of some rockets, which were thrown by Captain Russel, R.A. with admirable precision.

The fire of the brig now began to slacken; and on Lieutenant Westphal’s approaching her bow with the advanced boats, the enemy cut her cable and abandoned her; the schooner’s colours were then hauled down. The troops in the meantime having effected a landing, without further opposition, took possession of Portsmouth and Ocracoke island, where all surrendered to their mercy. The brig proved to be the Anaconda, mounting 18 long 9-pounders, a most beautiful vessel, coppered, and fit for his Majesty’s service; as was also the schooner, a letter of marque of 240 tons, mounting 10 guns.

Lieutenant Westphal was promoted by the Admiralty, July 8th, 1813; just four days previous to the capture of the Anaconda, which vessel was commissioned and placed under his command. We next find him serving in the expedition against New Orleans, where he was employed on shore with the naval brigade under Captain Sir E. Thomas Troubridge, Bart, who, in his official report to Vice-admiral Sir Alexander I. Cochrane, stated, that the conduct of all the officers and seamen had met very general approbation, and that he felt it his duty “to particularize the exertions of Captains Money, Rogers, and Westphal.”

Captain Westphal obtained post rank, Aug. 12th, 1819; and was appointed to the Jupiter 60, fitting for the conveyance of Lord Amherst and suite to Bengal, May 27th, 1822.