Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/331

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[Post-Captain of 1821.]

Was made lieutenant in 1798; and promoted to the rank of commander for his gallant conduct in an action near Calais, of which the following is the official account:

H.M. sloop Skylark, in the Downs, Nov. 11, 1811.

“At eight o’clock yesterday morning, Cape Grisnez bearing S.S.W. distant seven miles, I observed a division of the enemy’s flotilla, consisting of twelve gun-brigs, standing alongshore to the eastward, it then blowing strong from the southward: H.M. sloop under my command made all sail in chase. During the morning I had the satisfaction to see H.M. gun-brig Locust in shore to windward, standing towards the enemy; and I have to state, that one of the enemy’s brigs. No. 26, of four long 24-pounders and 60 men, commanded by Enseigne de vaisseaux Bouchet, has been cut out from under the fire of the batteries and musketry on the beach, and close to the rest of the flotilla, who had taken shelter in the roads of Calais. The commodore was driven on shore, and an attempt made to bring him out also; but finding a great number of troops had got on board, I relinquished the attack.

“It is impossible for me to speak too highly of the conduct of Lieutenant Gedge, commander of the Locust, who, from being in shore to windward, was the principal cause of the vessel being taken, and during the whole of the attack on the flotilla, exposed as we were for four hours to the fire of (he enemy’s batteries, deserves my highest praise and recommendation; and I beg leave to add, that the officers and crew of the Skylark conducted themselves to my entire satisfaction.

(Signed)James Boxer.”

To Rear-Admiral Foley.

Lieutenant Gedge had previously captured, close to Dunkirk, a French national vessel, carrying two long 12-pounders, with small arms. His commission as commander bears date, Nov. 15, 1811 ; from which period we find no mention of him until his appointment to the Cadmus, a 10-gun brig-sloop, Sept. 10, 1816. He obtained post rank, July 19, 1821.

Agents.– Messrs. Cooke, Halford, and Son.

[Post-Captain of 1821.]

Was made lieutenant, Jan. 31 , 1806; promoted to the rank of commander, Nov. 28, 1811, appointed to the Pheasant ship--