Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/34

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with the Spanish patriots, on the coasts of Valencia and Catalonia.

After the fall of Tarragona, to the storming of which place he was an eye-witness[1], Lieutenant Roberts joined the flotilla employed in the defence of Cadiz, where he remained until his promotion to the command of the Merope brig, July 23, 1812. He then returned to the east coast of Spain, and continued there, under the orders of Rear-Admiral Hallowell, until the peace with France, in 1814. The important services performed by the squadron of which he formed a part were thus officially acknowledged.

H.M.S. Malta, off Balaguer, 19th June, 1813.

“Sir,– The ardour with which the captains, officers, and men of all descriptions of the squadron under my command, engaged in co-operation with the army upon the coast of Catalonia, and the indefatigable zeal and cheerfulness with which they performed the laborious duties that fell to their province, have been so conspicuous, as to entitle them to the highest praise on my part.

“That greater advantages to the public cause did not result is to be lamented, but ought not, and will not, I trust, discourage in the smallest degree further exertions. It is yet early in the campaign, and further operations are projected, wherein the same unwearied perseverance, the same alacrity, and cordial co-operation with the army, will have happier effects, I hope, and be crowned with complete success.

“I therefore request that you will express to the officers and company of H.M. sloop under your command, my grateful sense of their recent exertions, and my confidence in the continuance of them, whenever the opportunity shall be given.

“Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Pellew, the commander-in-chief, having, moreover, consigned to me the pleasing task of communicating his public thanks for the promptness and fidelity with which my orders have been uniformly executed, by all ranks in the squadron, I have great satisfaction in signifying his sincere acknowledgments of the meritorious conduct of yourself, your officers, and ship’s company, on the present service (of which he has received abundant testimony); and I am to request that you will make this known to them accordingly. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)Ben. Hallowell.”

To Captain Roberts, H.M. Sloop Merope.