Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/44

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detached his barge, &c. under Lieutenant John Maples, “to be guided by the further directions of Captain Wyndham.” The result of the attack is thus stated in an official letter from Captain Digby to Sir Home Popham:–

The barge unfortunately separated. One of the brigs was most gallantly carried by Lieutenant Price, and Mr. Smith, master of the Hawke, in two of her boats, but from ours not arriving in time for their support, and the brig being chained, they were obliged to abandon their prize, with, I am sorry to say, the loss of 2 men killed and 5 wounded. Among the latter is Lieutenant Price severely.”

We are informed, that the Theban’s barge went to examine a strange object, which proved to be a buoy; and that Lieutenant Price, on being hailed by a French guard-boat, dashed forward and boarded the nearest brig, under a heavy fire, by which 2 of his companions were slain and 3 wounded. After gaining her deck, and cutting down two Frenchmen, he was himself felled by the butt-end of a musket, the wielder of which jumped upon his body, and would quickly have despatched him but for the timely aid of his only follower, who was then unhurt, but soon afterwards severely wounded. When relieved from his critical situation by that gallant tar, he commenced an attack upon the French captain, who, however, parried the blow intended for him, and succeeded in disarming his assailant: at the same moment. Lieutenant Price was bayoneted by another foe.

During this very unequal combat on the brig’s deck, Mr. Smith, in the Hawke’s cutter, made an attempt to board her also, but failed in consequence of the side, on which he was, being defended by several resolute fellows within a strong netting. Pulling back towards the harbour’s mouth, he discovered the Hawke’s gig likewise retreating, and anxiously questioned the people in her respecting his gallant messmate: on their saying that they believed the Lieutenant was killed, he instantly resolved to renew the attack, declaring that he would bring him away, “whether dead or alive.”

In the mean time, Mr. Price had discovered that the gig was gone, and determined to swim after her, rather than be taken prisoner; rightly imagining, that as only one man