Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v1p1.djvu/257

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The total loss in the combined squadrons[1] amounted to 141 killed, and 742 wounded; which, according to the number of men employed, exceeds the proportion in any of our former victories.

For this splendid achievement Lord Exmouth was raised to the dignity of a Viscount, and received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament. He was also presented by the city of

  1. The following is a list of the ships and vessels employed under the orders of Lord Exmouth, in the attack upon Algiers, Aug. 27, 1816, exclusive of the mortar-boats, &c.
    Guns. Killed. Wounded.
    Queen Charlotte 108 Admiral Lord Exmouth, K.C.B.
    Captain James Brisbane.
    8 131
    Impregnable 104 Rear-Admiral David Milne.
    Captain Edward Brace.
    50 160
    Superb 78 Captain Charles Ekins. 8 84
    Minden 74 Captain William Paterson. 7 37
    Albion 74 Captain John Coode. 3 15
    Leander 60 Captain Edward Chetham. 17 118
    Severn 50 Captain Hon. T. W. Aylmer. 3 34
    Glasgow 50 Captain Hon. Anthony Maitland. 10 37
    Granicus 42 Captain William Furlong Wise. 16 42
    Hebrus 42 Captain Edmund Palmer. 4 16
    Heron 18 18 Captain George Bentham.
    Mutine 18 Captain James Mould.
    Prometheus 22 Captain Wm. Bateman Dashwood.
    Cordelia 10 Captain William Sargent.
    Britsmart 10 Captain Robert Riddell.
    Beelzebub Bombs Captain William Kempthorne.
    Infernal Captain Hon. G. J. Perceval. 2 17
    Hecla Captain William Popham.
    Fury Captain C. R. Moorsom.

    Total loss sustained by the British

    128 690
    Dutch Squadron. Commanded by Vice-Admiral Baron Van Capellen.
    Melampus 3 15
    Frederica 5
    Dageraad 4
    Diana 6 22
    Amstee 4 6

    Grand Total

    141 742