Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p2.djvu/20

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Banda Harbour, 18th, Aug. 1810.

“Sir,– We, the undersigned officers of H.M. ships Caroline, Piedmontaise, and Baracouta, beg leave to present you with a sword, value 100 guineas, in testimony of our approbation of the gallant and judicious manner in which you conducted the attack on Banda Neira on the 9th of August, and consequently the final reduction of the Spice Islands.


J. Gilmour, Lieut. Thomas Carew, Lieut. J. White, Lieut.
Samuel Allen, — Robert Walker, — Edmund Lyons, —
George Pratt, — Robert Barker, — S. G. Davis, Surgeon.
Andw. Smart, Master. G. Cummings, Master. J. Scott, Purser


T. Dods, Surgeon. A. Stevens, Lt. R. M.
J. Seward, Purser. J. Lincoln, Surgeon.
F. Lynch, Supy.

of Caroline

Joseph Jacobs, Purser.
A. Buchanan, Supy.

of Piedmontaise

Banda Neira, Aug. 22, 1810.

“Sir,– In addressing you upon the capture of Banda Neira and its dependencies, which secures to the British flag a conquest of great value, the officers of the Hon. Company’s troops engaged in that enterprise have to congratulate you and themselves upon the successful issue, under every disadvantage of wind and weather, upon a hostile shore lined with numerous batteries; the enemy aware of and prepared for an attack, so wisely planned, and so ably carried into execution under your personal direction. The confidence you inspired all with on the approach to assault Belgica, we are convinced contributed in a great measure to the success of the escalade. Your bravery and gallant conduct was so conspicuous on that occasion, that it must secure to you the esteem and admiration of all who are acquainted, as we are, with the circumstances attending the reduction of that strong and important citadel.

“As a memorial of the high sense we entertain of the services performed by you on this occasion, and as a mark of our personal esteem and respect, we request you will do us the honor to accept of a sword of the value of 100 guineas. We further beg leave to assure you that our warmest wishes for your future success and happiness will always attend you in whatever situation it may please Providence to fix your lot.

(Signed) G. L. Nixon, Capt. Mad. Europ. Reg.
George Alexander, Surgeon.
C. W. Yates, Lieut. Artillery.
Wm. Davenant,

Mad. Europ. Reg.

James Stuart,
P. Brown,
Wm. Jonks Decker,
P. Hooper,
Charles Allen, Ensign 21st. Mad. Nat. Inf.”