Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p2.djvu/60

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14 guns and 75 men, and several other of the enemy’s vessels: and about the same period he appears to have been elected M.P. for Downton, in Wiltshire.

In the night of June 4, 1812, the boats of the Medusa, under the directions of Lieutenant Josiah Thompson, were sent by Captain Bouverie to attack a French store-ship lying in the harbour of Arcasson; and notwithstanding the rapidity of the tide and the intricacy of the navigation, succeeded in getting alongside, although discovered and hailed by the enemy before they arrived within musket-shot. The Frenchmen it appears were at their quarters, and perfectly prepared to resist the attack; but nothing could baffle the impetuosity of Lieutenant Thompson.who rushed on board at the head of his gallant party, and carried the ship after a desperate struggle, in which the whole of her crew, excepting 23 men, were either killed or compelled to jump overboard: among the latter was her commander, a Lieutenant de vaisseau, severely wounded.

The prize proved to be la Dorade, mounting 14 guns, with a complement of 86 men, and a full cargo of ship timber. At day-light she was got under weigh; but after proceeding about a league down the harbour she grounded on a sand-bank, and the tide then running out with great violence, the captors were obliged to set her on fire, by which means she was soon completely destroyed. In the execution of this spirited enterprise the Medusa had none killed, and only 5 men wounded.

From this period Captain Bouverie was employed in a series of active operations on the north coast of Spain, and his zeal and exertions were repeatedly noticed in Sir Home Popham’s despatches, extracts from which will be found under the head of Sir George Collier, Bart, at p. 523, et seq, He left the Medusa in June 1813, and has not since been afloat.

Captain Bouverie married, Dec. 27, 1808, Louisa, second daughter of the late Joseph May, of Hale House, co. Wilts, Esq., and by that lady has one daughter.

[Post-Captain of 1802.]

Post commission dated April 29, 1802.