Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/41

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captains of 1828.

[Captain of 1828.]

A Companion of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath; Knight of the Royal French Order of St. Louis; and Knight (2nd class) of the Imperial Russian Order of St. Anne.

This officer was appointed flag-lieutenant to Sir James H. Whitshed, commander-in-chief at Portsmouth, Mar. 17th, 1821, which is also the date of his first commission. He obtained the rank of commander in April, 1824; and had the good fortune to arrive on the Mediterranean station, in the Musquito sloop, a very short time previous to the battle of Navarin, on which occasion his vessel had two men killed and four severely wounded. The above orders were conferred upon him immediately after that event; and he was, moreover, promoted to his present rank as soon as he had served the time prescribed by the King’s Order in Council of June 30th, 1827. His commission as captain bears date April 19th, 1828.

Agents.– Messrs. Chard.

[Captain of 1828.]

Third son of Earl Grey, the present Prime Minister of Great Britain, by Mary Elizabeth, only daughter of the first Lord Ponsonby.

This officer was born on the 23d of Aug. 1805; made a lieutenant, April 7th, 1825; appointed to the Volage 28, Cap- the Hon. R. S. Dundas, Sept. 26th following[1]; and promoted from that ship to the command of the Heron sloop, on the South American station, April 17th, 1827. He has recently commissioned the Actaeon, a new 26-gun ship, at Portsmouth.