Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/499

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addenda to captains.

XIII. with the insignia of Knight of the Royal Military Order of the Sword, in testimony of the high sense his Swedish Majesty likewise entertained of his services, which mark of distinction was sanctioned and confirmed by the Prince Regent of Great Britain, June 20th, 1813.

On the 23d Aug. in the latter year, Captain Mansell was appointed to the Pelican sloop, in which vessel he continued until advanced to post rank, June 7th, 1814. While commanding the Rose and Pelican, a period of nearly six years, his conduct gained him the approbation of every officer under whom he served; his zeal and activity were conspicuous on every occasion; and his success as a cruiser against the enemy almost unprecedented; he having captured at least 170 vessels of various descriptions, including the American letter of marque Siro, Jan. 13th, 1814. This vessel was a schooner of 225 tons, pierced for sixteen guns, mounting twelve long 9-pounders, with a complement of 49 men. She had been chased by several other British cruisers in the Bay of Biscay; but escaped through superior sailing, and was intended to cruise against our trade, after landing her cargo (cotton) at Bourdeaux.

Captain Mansell married Catherine, daughter of John Lukis, Esq., of Guernsey, and has eight children. His second son, Arthur Lukis, was educated at the Royal Naval College, and first went to sea in the Rainbow 28, Captain Sir John Franklin. His brother, Bonamy, is a lieutenant in the royal navy; and another, William, is on the retired list of the Hon. East India Company’s surgeons.

(Vol. III. Part I. p. 285.)

This officer entered the royal navy in April 1811, as midshipman on board the Revenge 74, Captain John Nash, under whom and his successor, Captain Charles P. B. Bateman, he served on the Cadiz station till July 9th, 1812. He then joined the Alfred 74, Captain Joshua Sydney Horton; and