Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/75

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Charlotte first rate, bearing the flag of Lord Keith, in which ship he continued until June 4th, 1798. He subsequently served, for nearly two years and a half, under Captain (now Vice-Admiral) Ross Donnelly, in the Maidstone frigate, principally employed on the West India and North American stations. During this period, he suffered most severe sickness, having had three attacks of yellow fever, and but for the extreme, we may say almost parental, kindness of Captain Donnelly, he could scarcely have survived. In Oct. 1800, we find him proceeding in the Chichester store-ship, Captain John Stephens, and afterwards in the Salamine brig. Captain (now Rear-Admiral) Thomas Briggs, to rejoin Lord Keith, then in the Foudroyant 80, Captain Philip Beaver, on the Mediterranean station. During the Egyptian campaign, he was removed into the Peterel sloop, in which vessel he served, as master’s mate, under Captains Charles Inglis, and John Lamborn, till Mar. 12th, 1802.

On the 7th Dec. 1801, Captain Beaver, then commanding the Determiné 24, at Malta, wrote to the sister of Mr. Higgs as follows:–

“Madam, – Although it be some time since I left Lord Keith’s ship, yet he was fortunately in this port when I received your letter concerning your brother William.

“Captain Aylmer, just appointed to the command of the Peterel, was also here, going to join his ship. Lord Keith readily promised to take care of your brother on his joining the Foudroyant, to which ship I begged Captain Aylmer would send him without delay; so that I trust his promotion is not far distant. Whatever little interest I may have, will I ever be readily employed in the service of merit, and I know no one who possesses more than your brother William. I have the honor to be. Madam, with very great respect, your obedient and humble servant,

(Signed)P. Beaver.”

To Miss Higgs, Dawlish, Devon.

Unfortunately for Mr. Higgs, the Peterel was ordered home before he had an opportunity of rejoining the Foudroyant, into which ship, or some other belonging to the Mediterranean station, he then had every prospect of being almost immediately promoted. All his hopes of early advancement thus destroyed, he afterwards passed a few weeks as super-