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RAIN. To dream of being in a shower of rain, if it be gentle and soft, is very favourable to lovers; it denotes constancy, affection, and a sweet temper.

RAINBOW. To dream you see a rainbow, denotes great travelling and change of fortune; it also foretells sudden news of a very agreeable nature; it announces that your sweetheart is of a very good temper, and constant, and that you will be very happy in marriage: have great success in business through the means of trading with foreign ports.

RATS. To dream of rats is a sign of many enemies.

RAVENS. To dream you see a raven, is a very unfavourable token; it denotes mischief and adversity; in love, it shows falsehood; and to the married, they forebode much mischief through the adultery of your conjugal partner; to the sailor, they betoken shipwreck, and much distress upon a foreign shore.

RED HAIR. Always denotes an enemy in dreams.

RIBBONS. Shows entanglement love.

RIDING. To dream you are riding, if it be with a horse, is very unfortunate; expect to be crossed in love; if you are in trade, business will decay, and you will be very near bankruptcy, if you are a sailor, it denotes perfidy in your sweetheart, and loose conduct with one of your shipmates; but if it be with him, then expect the reverse of these things will happen, and that you will obtain a sum of money by some speculation of which you have but an indifferent opinion.

RIVER. To dream you see a flowing river, and that the waters are smooth and clear, presages happiness and success in life; to the lover, it shows constancy and affection in the object of your love, and that if you marry, you will pass a very happy and contented life, have fine children, mostly girls, who will be very beautiful; to the tradesman and farmer, it shows prosperity and gain; to the sailor, that his sweetheart will be kind and constant, and that his next voyage will be lucrative and pleasant. If the water appears disturbed and muddy, or has a yellow tinge, then it denotes that you will acquire considerable riches; if you have a lawsuit, such a dream surely foretells that you will gain your cause.

RODS. To dream you are whipt with rods denotes