Page:Royal dream book.pdf/2

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ABUSE. To dream you are insulted, is a sign that you will have a dispute with some one.

ACQUAINTANCE. To dream you quarrel or fight with an acquaintance, it is an unlucky omen; it forebodes a division among your own family, much to this injury and prejudice of the dreamer-if you are in love, your mistress will prove unfaithful, and marry some other man that she has told you she most hates,-if you are in business, some heavy loss will befall you; you will disagree with some of your best friends on the most trivial matters, which will end in an open rupture, -if you are a farmer, expect a bad crop, the murrain amongst your cattle; that your pigs and poultry will fail and not fetch good prices,-if you have a lawsuit, depend that your attorney will neglect you, that your witnesses will be tardy and backward, and that finally you will lose your cause. Do not for some time undertake a journey by land, or a voyage by sea; enter for the present into no new undertaking, for you will be unsuccessful; quit, if you can, your present place of residence; and, above all, avoid lending money, for you will surely lose it together with the friendship of those to whom you lend it. If you dream that you are with an acquaintance at some place of public amusement, you may expect soon to be called from home on business of importance.