Page:Royal princess.pdf/8

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( 8 )

O foul fa' the drinking o't
O foul fa' the drinking o't
An ye begin as we did then
Your purſe will loſs the clinking o't

We're a dry at the drinking o't,
We're a dry at the drinking o't
Our pouch was to'om or we had done,
And this began the thinking o't,
We're a dry at the &c.

Kate ſhe cry'd, her mother, wry'd,
When we began the fighting o't,
They took a drink, and got a clink,
But I pay'd well for the drinking o't
We're a dry at the &c.

From Cowgate port to porter Johns'
We tippled hard not thinking o't
We all went home, our money done,
And now we're dry with the drinkng o't
We'r a dry at the &c.

This ſong is now come to an end,
And we giren o'er the thinking o't,
We left not a groat but fpent it all
When we left of the drinking o't
FINISO foul fa' &c.