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M,,,,re. Lawrence. 594 Naval Discipline Act. the preamble to 11e. M,,or, P.rtual asist! against he. D14 :152. 353 -- co-.l,erati.n against the, 4 IN i -- - I,aw, lot, loOD .11ora. 7;-7N Law, fit cie of. DI, 1 Morgan, Captain, SaD -- o]rations in xinter, 453 and n. M,,rgan," "Sir l'ie, 4 a., 451 ' Navarre allied with France, 274 Morgan, Thenms, 47 Navigation laws, early, 1; ,f Ilenry VII., 5h,rieux, $ir Thomas, o,., 439 Morkere, 33; Willi:un I. crushe, 88 Navv and the merchant service, conntion Mt,rlaas, money o1 12 twtn lhe, 347. 348, 474 Morlaix, 358; ck o1 458: reduced, 503 ] annual grant fi,r the relyair of the, 494 Morley, Admiral Sir Roberl (L,,rd M,,rlev), -- Board, the, 4:, -46 and n. _4,, _40, _.,% _.,I, _;,-I, _.,.,, -- extra otlice of the, 43a 25s, 21;1, 2;6, 21;8, 21;D, 273. 275, 271;, t in 1-1o2. disorganisation of the. :157 277 -- lack of nalional confidence in the, 246 -- Thomas, 438 n. Iflice, 438 -- Admiral Thomas L,mi, 37S, 37a -- on the accosion of Mary, inllaence of M,,rris pikes, 414 the, 470 M,,rtainge, Sir .hhll, 2s:l ---, !trliamentary remonstrances 5h,rtimer derhaiti by Edward Ih-uce, Lord ing the, 2!, 2 � Instits, 21 -- reconstitution of the, 353 -- Sir John, 379 -- the personal prolcrty of the s,,verein, Roger, 22D, 230 the. 31s

of Wigmore, Iger 221  under Henry VI., sale ,,f the, 

"M.sso," 144 geedie, dipping of lhe, 32: n.; variafi-n M-mer, .lohn Le, 13l the 401 Mmmt's Bay, 62o; l,anianls at, 3 gegr0e ill-treatment of, -Isg; .h,hn Ilaw- Moanioy , I'harles, Lor, I, 512 an,I n., 51D, kyns trades in..17, 61 520 Nelson qu.ted, 126 M,msehole I,ut, 5 "Neeme," 32 and n. Molly de la Meilleraye, 462 Netherlands, Elizalth assists the,-173, 488; Mt,wbray, John, Lord, 2t;9 ships hiri front the, 2; treat5 with Mfiller, Johann, 400 the, 527, 528 Muhon, Sir Thomas de, 202 Neutrality, lax observatiml of, 236 Munster, 8pain tbments the rehellion in, Neutrals, laws rlcting, 113 482 Nevill, Ralph L.rd, 269 Murray repulses Senour, the Regent, 4Ba ec, Admiral Sir William, 282, 285 Mtrrpan, 420 -- of Raby, Admiral John Lord, 2, 2 Musard, 293 -- or Nevill, Rolrt de, 201 Muscovy (or Russia) Coral,any, the, 615, New Albion, Drake discovers, 633 616 Newark, 443 Musgrave, Alexander, 596 xVew Dark, 421 -- Edmund, 5 "New Island," the,

John, 596 Newcastle, 234, 2D4, 373 

-- William, 596 Newenden, 8 Mutinous conduct of the ('inque Ports' Newfoundland, 3o3; discovekv of, ships, 212 fisheries, the, 644; tlt, design to seize --- state of Ethelred's navy, 43 the Fnch, 46a; Leigh anti Van Ilcr- Mutiny in Lord Fitzwalter's shil , 2a8 xick'a exlition to, 524, 525; trade, -- of the (iobbn Lion, 43$1 440 Mychell, William, 5a9 Newhaven, French repulse at, 41;4; galleys ol 114 N.ttt'it, Jonx-, Cove? o', 270 Newlyn btuat, 504 -- Sir It.lcrt de, 269. 271 Newla,rt , voyage tf l'hristopher, 501 Naples, Richanl I. at, 1;7 Newton (" Admirals' man "), 5SD .qmlita.a, 603 -- Ferrars, 139 Nad.,nne, Uount of, 2-I -- William, 5D3 Narrow ,as, Scots in the. 351 Niall of the Nine Hostages, Nasecllas, 119, 12o 'icbobs, 131 (a), 224, 340, 341, 342, 346, Nash, John, 592 347, 3-19, 35-1 Nassau, Admiral Justinus van, 55a n., 57 n. qf ]lmldOn, t 14,427 Nauclerus, IOl of Lynn, 321 'Nautical Magazine' quoted, 157 R,.ed,.,