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l'ullison, Michael, 5D7 nnd n., 5, 5;7, 51;, 371-373,'578, Pumps, 340 Rector, ll, 1:30, 148 Pma, { 'avendish at, :, ;:4 Reculver, 8 l'mfishmens, 104, lfil, 1'2. 4:-I, 4:lb- ed ('og, 847 Punta Delgada, Ralegh at, -'"' d n. ['untal Road, action in, 514 Lio%

stormed, 515 hedmg Creek, 404 

I'uvano, Peter de, "" ' . _,8, lieeves .f the I.u'ts, 112 ['yler, GeoflYey, 1E; llegazo.a, 571 n., l'yrkyne, Myhyll, 5s ttege., 404, 405, 412, 42{;, 44 n., 450, l'ytheas, 3, 5 Regiomontams, 400 Regrating, 152 QuanEn, '231L Regulbimn, 8

refised, 13, 188, , 351 Reims, Richard I. at, D35 

Quaties, Jame% 438 n., 55 and n. Release, 592 quee., 120 "Hellquire Antiqum," ballad quoted from, queenborough, 494 :{43, 344 _a. n., 244 n., -4.b 251, Reinpsion, Admiral Sir Thomas, {uiret, Hugues, o,. ., n � II.pettattce, later the D.ntq Quilnlerl'educed , 50: Ilel,risal, -0: letter td --; againl tuiml,erl&, Mamy' ucces at, "-' Spain, 4 Quintro, { 'avendish a.l, {;37 Rmls. , 4_., 4_ , oo., fi20 and -'" '"' Qttitlatce, 423, 4E5, 50E n. , 521, 537, n. 53 Iletz, Baron de, see Annebaut, 'l:tude d' Reuse, .lames, IlAm;Ts ,u' lhfl.,inets. 410, 41 l fi'e,c,#e, 174, 423, 453, 4l n., 4 and n.; Radyngton, A,hniral Sir John, 2;, 2 her gallm fight, 495-497, 5, 57, 5, Ragusan merchantman takeu, 48 Ihtilstone, Matthew, 5 of Lyme, 5 Ihtinbow, 423, 425, 4, 5o2 n., 50, 514 llevolt to Varwiek of l,arf of the fleet, 3S7 and n., 520, ,oo ., 558, 57, 5, 58, Revolution of 14;0, naval character of the, 58 347 Raix (m' lhye), Jean de, 2, 287 "llewar, ls," 424, 42; Ralegh, Sir Walter, 4;. 4. 40d. 5oL 51 I, Reynell, Captain Carew, 520 d n., o., 513, 514 n., 515, 51D-52;[, n.a 553 n., 5, G45; his Virginia l,ndects. 64- lll,d r:tvaged by English pirates, 357 64a; his first Guiana voyage, 64-(i50 -- ravaged,

ou sea power 853 Illfine, Roman fleet in the months of the 81 

ll,deCh, ;45 Rhodes, Richard I. at, 170 Ilall 51, 52 Ilia, German de la, 122 Ram, use of the, 10', 17;I, ID, ;It;;; Rich, Rohert, third Lord, 51D

J-hn, 20 Ilich;u'd I., accession o1 101; allies himself 

Ilamea Island, quarrel with the French o11 with l'hili I, Augustus, lfiS; at Limasol, 525 171; enga,ge a Turkish dromon, 172 Rammekins, 4S3 taken prisoner, 174; death ol 175 Ilaneheria taken, La, 5;11 Ilk'hard II., at'cession of, 15;, 2a7 , .,.1- 8.1o itandoll)h, A,hnira] Henry, 2:"2 ICk'hard ll[.,' .... ' ",', __0 Iiehard, bastard of England, 1, 1t, lht})havl, 5D7 created Ear] of (',ornwa]l, iDI, IDI;, hashie3, .Iuhu, 5 E()o ICatclifl 532 of England Ravenset', see Ravensin le of London, 116 llavensl,tn' , se, lhtvensrode llichhorough, , 57 Ravensrle, 140, 234,302, 3 Ilichc, 131 llaveustein, Philip yon Kleve, 442, 445, 44 Rieheman, Willlain, 34; Rawlins, Robert, 53o Richnmnd, Henry, Earl ol; ,.ql, 893 Ilawlyn, llenry, 2 [ Lord tligh Admiral,'y, Duke Ilaym,md, Captain le,,re, 57;, 5', ;51, -15,,

32 John, Ea.rl "'q 272

11ceahle, Vice-Admiral .hmn Martinez de, Ilidere, Thomas le, 131