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'l'iherius, T 'l'rimm, P:u'kel' lands at, 531 ?'i,b..-1'_'5 'l'riel. 1-15 -- at the Battle of Nhin, time .f high "Trin," 32 nnd n.. 33-1. Tilbuw, 434 'l'inidtd Itbucert, 571 mid n.. 578 n., Tile," 397, ;19$ 384, Tille% 145 75'iuitl. 145, 379, 404, Tiltm, Dr. W. I"., quoh'd fill Ilrnrll , Tin Irade with Igritain, 3. 55 Trinity llmse, Til,tofi , Sir Robert, 205 and n. 75'inity, qf Itrist. I, 4 l-I Tirringtm, Ilswith, :{n; or 'l'i. it!l D, ql.I, a-I. :14G. 3-17. 35-1. TitchliehI Alebey. :17E 31;2. 37 I. 372 7bb!l. 4. 592 his. 'l'rin.bantes, 28 'l'olto. I-n I"rnm-isc. ,1% 57 and , 579. 7'i. ml,h , 423, 125, 529, 51;9. 37o. 372 T.Ils SUlq,ressed. illegal. 4:19 Trivet, Admiral Sir Th.m:ts, 'I'IIIlISOlI, Ificimrd, 592 'l'I'tdlghtlJll, Unl.tain , 5o1, 3(G, 5e)N, 329 'l'q,s, fihtinK, 135 'Fryes, treaty ,1 :IL. 477 'l't]sllsiti l;l!l, 595 'l'rlti.e xxith I,'r:ilt{.% l;T, 2i;I, 29i;, :;7{I, 'l',q-masts, lixe, I. 4i)1 n. I :;!it; and Spain, 'l'q-pieces, 409, 412 with 8cutland, 222, 223, '2'24 Tort?, Admiral de, 2 7'ttr L.r,', 5P2 Tm'nellis, Ihtlph de, 19o Trmnl,els on shilhoar, I , 432, 433 T,,rres Vedras, 491 Truml,ington , Sir Nich.las, 29a 'l'.stig, stm of {hdwin, 51-5-1 Trussell, Admiral Sir William, 24; and n., 'l'utness, 1:19 I 255, 257, T.m'het, Sir 3olin, 2, 423 'Ftmh, use, exldititm to. IGI I Tryri9M, 423 '['ouque.% 3; Ilenry IV. at, 34G Tucker. Thomas, T..wer Ilill, avy t ;lfice on, 4; I Tmds, internntimal crusade against. 3Ol - "Meaning of the expression" .f the, Turberville, Sir I!em'v de, la7 148 , '- Sir Thomas de, '207, 20 "Tower' (tf the) the ohl equivalent .f Turkey COral.any ehartered, the, "II.M.S.," :147 l)tetories ol; Towerstin, William, 612 I ships and thirttn gpaniatds, light 'l',,wnshend, Sir Roger, 673 belwn, 4, 485 Trade, gl'wlh of, 3; of Bristol, 10o; of Turkeyman tS,nleul, dellnee of the, 49$ l,on,hm, 99; Saxon encmragement t; ;I;; Tm'kish dl'mnOl, Iliehanl I. ellgages a, 172 with Germmy, 9, Io0 Turner, Ual,tain Jeremy, 589 TmnSl,m't, c-st ol; 147, 154: see also Freight. Nicholas, 'Pmnlon, .hJm, 5 Turnham, Sir Stephen de, 1;-171 Slephen de, Tresstin of Sir Thomts de q'm'lrville, 207, I I 'l'uscm.m.a Indians alh.ed to m,lerstan, I Wl'eilslll'el'S of Marine eau.s, 437 n. Welsh, 309 Treasure ships, attempt to cal,tUre Sl,:mish, Tyne, emlvoy in the, 494, 495; attempts upon Spanish, 529; Tynemouth, 388 distress caused I,y 1;{m-itrrival td' Spanish, ] 'l'yrone's rel,ellitm, '"' 523 494; Essex takes thrtx, ,_-, Ralegll's attempt ul.*n the, 498 Iia ('*IItR.X, v.yages of lite St}ItS *if, Treaty; of (':tteau I':unbris, 475; of UIlml, Admh'al ir Ih.l,ert, later Earl Berwiek, 475; of Edinburg]t, 471;; of Sutt,lk, 23 mid n., 21;1, 262, 2t;5, Trt,yes, 477 l'ghtred, Admiral Sir Thomas, 235 ?'*tttoltlttutt,-t23, -t25, 509, 520, 529, 5, Ulfitytel. 5SS, 5S9 Ulster, Sir Ifich:u'd de Igm'gh, Em'l ..l Tl'enchemer, Alan, 103; lti,-hm'd, I03: Alan, 217, 218 juni.r, lll; Umfrtville, ir Iill.,-n, 'lb',.u,.b-tb,-.l!,.r, lt;:l Admiral ir [hA*el't, 'l'l.t:l.,rt Inil-ltt, 45D: I,isle's su{..eesg a{. 4I;5: I'nicor., 42o, 41;{I Roberl's fleel at. 9o of lh'ishJ, 395 'l'rev.r, (:al.lain , 532, 537 of I Iartmouth, 597 .hJtlt, 437 n. I'nifiWlu f. rnished by lite king,