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Warwick, Admiral Richard Neville, Earl of Wight, Isle of, 2113, 274, 279, 372; French (the "King-nlaker"), 386-3.10 raids on, 236, 237; French attempt on, -- Richard Beauchamp, fifth Earl of, 378 291;: French repulsed from, 360: Spanish -- Admhl Thomas, ,arl of, 26., 288, landing in, 365; threatened by the 289, 291 Spaniards, 382; l)'Annebaut off, 463; Waenaer, Admiral Jan van, 558 n. French landing in, 464; Medina $idonia Watch to be set at 8 P.l., 432 to capture, 543; action with the Armada Watches, division into, 432 off, 572-574 Water, Edmnnd, 115 n. Wihtgils, 34 Wateville, llilary de, 177 Wilcox, Robert, 592 Warewang, John de, 234 lVild Man, 638 Ilhtte, 650 Wihle, Jervis, 592 Watts, Joim, 526 Willbrd, William, 359 Sir John, 592 b/s Wilkyson, George, 589 IDynepayne, 131 Wille, John, 269 Weapons of twelfth century, 102 Willey, Roger, Weather-gauge, manoeuvring for the, 188, William I., 53; prepares to invade Eng- 465 land, 76, 84; invasion of, 84; rapacity Webb, Nicholas, 591 of, 79; succesfid in Scotland, 88; fleet tl.!.re, 268, 269 of, 76, 88 Welles, Stephen, 346 William, lI., accession of, 89; his naval Welsh soldiers in the army of Edward I., successes, 89; his energy and bravery, 90 211 1Villiam, 596 --�lainl to the discovery of America, --(Jackman's ship), 626 303-314 of Colchester, .596 -- Bible in Pennsylvania, alleged, 310 -- of Plymouth, -- naval operations against tile, 357 -- of ]lye, 596 Wenstan, John, 131 -- and John, 484 Wentworth surrenders Calais, Lord, 472 William, John, 346 -- Sir Thomas, 392 -- of Wt,ester, 606 Werner of Niirnberg, 400, 401 -- eon of IIenry I., death of, 78, 81 West, Thomas, Lord, 378, 379 William's claim to tile English crown, 75 -- Iralies, Madoc's alleged epitaph in the, Williamn, Edwal, 485 305, 308- expedition of Preston aml Willibahl, voyage of, 66 n. Somers to the, 508: Sir Robert Dudley's Willonghhy, Sir l[ugh, I;13-615, 619 voyage to the, (;50, 651; Preston's and -- de Broke, Rt,bert Lord, 446 n. Shirlcy's cruises to, 651 . -- de Ereshy, William, fifth Lord, 356 Westminster, naval council at, 285 Willow charcoal used for making powder, -- Abbey, an asyhnn, 369 149 Weston, Sir Richard, 513 Wil.,n, John, 5.q5 Westward, discovery to the, 610 Winchelsea, 106, 123, 125, 196, 211, 244, Wcxlbrd taken by Fitz Stephen, 168 270, 274, 284, 289, 368; galleys of, 114; Weymouth, 223, 3.; Philip of Austria at seamen from Ireland ordewd to, 186; a 447; a galleon of, 595; Christopher, 595 fleet assembled at, 226; bnrnt, 277; voyage of Georg/r532 French relmlse at, 287; taken, 294; shills Whencing, 34 assembled at, 372 Whirldon, Jacob, 590, 848 Winchester, 1:36; Danes hanged at, 39; Whistle, the Lonl High Admiral's, 449, threatened, 359 456 Windage, 411, 412 Whitaker, Sir SillIon, 283 n. Windham, Thomas, 438 n.; his voyage to Whitby pillaged by Orkneymen, 94 Guinea, 470 White, John, 647 Winding-balies, 114 -- Tholnas, 501 Wingfeild, Captain Sir Jt,hn, 509, 514, 516 -- Captain, 529 John, 597 White Bear, 423, 425, 487: se also Pear. Winlaml, 63, 64 n. -- Illrid, 594 Winter, naval operations in, 453 and n. -- Lion, 581 n., 593 "Winter's Rark," 630 Whitgaresburh, 35 Wisby, English factories at, 394 Whirsand Bay, Warbeck lands in, 447 Wissant, 24, 120, 138, 139, 185, 199, 231, Whyte, Ilenry, 589 236 -- (master of the Park dbot), Henry, Wistlegrei, Simon, 122 590 Wit.ess, 512 Widrinon, Robert, 486 Wolf lck, x reck t tile, 234 VOL. I.