Page:Rude Stone Monuments.djvu/584

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Trilithons at Stonehenge, 99; connexion with dolmens, 100; in Sligo, 108; at Ksaea at Elkeb, 412; Hauran, 445.

Tripoli, trilithons at Ksaea, 411; Elkel with holes. 411-2; compared to Hindu Yoni, 412; Buddhist monument at Bangkok, 43.

Tuatha de Dananns, see Dananns.

Tuathal, authentic history begins with, 196; "the accepted," 197.

Tumiac tumulus and find, 366.

Tumuli, 29; different kinds of, ib. (see Barrows, Pyramids, Tombs); history of inhumation, 30; Troy, 32; Roman, 84; truncated cones, ib.; spoliation of their own ancestors' tombs by Northmen, 300; Kemp How at Sbap, 130; find at, ib.; chambered tumuli, 166, 168; Freyrsö, 291; certain Danish, identical with some in Auvergne, 323; tumuli by thousands in the east of France, 327; finds, ib.; numerous in Etruria, 392; peculiarity of tumuli in North Africa, 399; plan and elevation of two sepulchral monuments, ib.; not battle-field, 400; quadruple circles, ib.; tumuli chambered in Lydia and Kertch, 446; kouloba on hill of cinders, ib.; find there, 446-7; tumuli in the Steppes, 448; at Alexandropol, 450; finds there, ib.; uncovered base of, at Nikolajew, 451; Tartar tumuli perhaps models of Western, 452.

Turanian origin of dolmens, theory of, how to be proved or disproved, 448; Turanian race in Europe, 507.

Twining's strange map theory, 76.

Tynebagger, circle at, 263.

Tynwald Mount, 71.

Tyrrheni, see Pelasgi.

Uby, buried dolmen at, 310; chamber, 311.

Udyagiri Hills, Buddhist caves in, 460.

Uekermark, dolmen at, 301.

Uelzen, dolmen with enclosures near, 308.

Uffington Castle, monuments near, 121; why constructed, 123.

Uley, 163; chambered grave, 163, 166; post-Roman, 289.

Ultonians, tombs of, 219, 220.

Upland, Danish prince killed at, 291.

Urn found in cairn of One Man, 179.

Vaisali, convocation at, 501.

Valdbygaards, two dolmens in enclosure, 308.

Vallancy, wild speculations of, 175, 207.

Vancouver's Island, natives of, whether mound-builders, 517.

Vannes, Museum of, 326.

Vedas, date of, 455.

Veneti, Cæsar's naval battle with, 20, 37; hence what inference of age of monuments, 372; iron nails used by, 37.

Verneilh, Felix de, his 'Byzantine Architecture in France,' 332.

Vestal Virgins, no just analogy of Nuns to, 499.

Vetta, his name on Cat stone, 57; supposed grandfather of Hengist and Horsa, 271.

Via Badonica, under Silbury Hill, 20.

Vicars, Mr., surveys Carnac, 350.

Vicramaditya, his capital, 459.

Viharas, early date and growth of, in India, 501.

Vikings, 303-4; grave, 315, 317.

Vinland, America peopled through, 516.

Viraculls, what, 483.

Vitoria, dolmens in, 378.

Voguë's, De, plates of Roman tombs in the Hauran, 445.

Vortigern, victory of, at Aylresford, 119.

Vulci, tomb at, 33.

Waden Hill, where and what it is, site of what battle, 88-9.

Wales, Druids in, when 6; dolmen- building race, 274.

Walhouse, Mr., cited, 479.

Walker, Mr., his find at Knock na Rea, 185.

Wansdyke, barrier against Welsh, 87, 88, 89.

Ware, statement of, as to Giant stones in Kildare, 108; circles in, 162.

Waterloo, mound at, 56.

Wayland Smith's Cave in Berkshire, used by Scott in 'Kennilworth,' 122; what it was, 123-4; great circle there, 161.

Webb's reply to Dr. Charleton respecting Stonehenge, 3.

Welsh Gate, what and where it was, 87-89.

Welsh Triads, see Triads.

West Kennet, 4; its similarity to barrow in Denmark, 283 et seq. See Barrow.

Western Islands, no Druids in, 6.

White Horse, near Uffington, described by Mr. T. Hughes, 121.

Wilde, Sir W., his residence at Moytura, 176; his work, 177, 202 et seq.

Wildesheim, dolmen at, 301.

Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, observations on Long Meg, 127; on Arbor Low, 139, and Gib Hill, 141; his corrections to Croker's survey of Stanton Drew, 150; dolmen at Gower opened by, 171.

Wilson, Captain, his survey of Clava, 265.

Wilson, Daniel, dolmen mentioned by, in Argyllshire, 273.

Wilson's 'Prehistoric Annals,' 239; his remarks upon Daw's theory as to origin, 253.

Wiltshire, Sir E. C. Hoare's work on, 5.

Wisconsin and Ohio, how first peopled, 516.

Woden myth, its allusion to Indian