A. D. 1285. Anno decimo tertio Edward 1 I. Stat, i. 3 109, CAP. XLV. The Procefs of Execution of Things recorded within the Year, or after. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. OUIA de hiis que recordata funt coram Can- cellario Domini Regis & ejus Juftitiariis qui cordum habent & in rotulis eorum irrotulata non debet fieri proceflus placiti per fummonitionem at- tachiamentum eflbnium vifus terre & alias folemp- nitates Cur' ficut fieri confuevit de contra&ibus & conventionibus fadtis extra curiam obfervandum eft decetero quod ea que inveniuntur irrotulata co- ram hiis qui recordum habent vel in finibus con- tenta five fint contractus five conventiones five obligationes five fervicia aut confuetudines recogni - tiones vel alia quecumque irrotulata quibus Curia Regis fine juris & confuetudinis offenfa au£fc>rita- tem poteft preftare talem decetero habeant vigorem quod non fit necefle de hiis impofterum placitare. Set cum venerint conquerentes ad Curiam Domini Regis fi recens fit cognitio vel finis videlicet infra annum in brevi levatus ftatim habeant breve de executione illius recognitionis facSe. Et fi forte a majori tempore tranfa&o fa&a fuerit ilia recogni- tio vel finis levatus precipiatur vicecomiti quod fcire faciat parti de qua fit querimonia quod fit ad certum diem oftenfura fi quid fciat dicere quare hujufmodi irrotulata vel in fine contenta executio- nem habere non debeant. Et fi ad diem non ve- nerit vel forte venerit & nichil fciat dicere quare executio fieri non debeat precipiatur vicecomiti quod rem irrotulatam vel in fine contentam exequi faciat. Eodem modo mandetur ordinario in fuo cafu obfervato nichilominus quod fupradi£tum eft de medio qui per recognitionem aut judicium obli- gates eft ad acquietandum,. ' "O Ecaufe that of fuch Things as be recorded before ' J3 the Chancellor and the Juftices of the King that ' have Record, and be inrolled in their Rolls, Pro- ' cefs of Plea ought not to be made by Summons, At- ' tachments, Effoin, View of Land, and other So- ' lemnities of the Court, as hath been ufed to be done ' of Bargains and Covenants made out of the Court ;" (2) from henceforth it is to be obferved, That thofe Things which are found inrolled before them that have Record, or contained in Fines, whether they be Contrails, Covenants, Obligations, Services, or Cuftoms knowledged, or other Things whatfoever inrolled, wherein the King's Court, without Offence of the Law and Cuftom, may execute their Autho- rity, from henceforth they fhall have fuch Vigour, that hereafter it fhall not need to plead for them. (3) But when the Plaintiff" cometh to the King's Court, if the Recognifance or Fine levied be frefh, that is to fay, levied within the Year, he fhall forth- with have a Writ of Execution of the fame Re- cognifance made. (4) And if the Recognifance were made, or the Fine levied of a further Time parTed, the Sheriff - fhall be commanded, that he give Knowledge to the Party of whom it is complained, that he be afore the Juftices at a certain Day, t<a fhew if he have any Thing to fay why fuch Matters inrolled or contained in the Fine ought not to have Execution. (5) And if he do not come at the Day, or peradventure do come, and can fay nothing why Execution ought not to be done, the Sheriff" fhall be commanded to caufe the Thing inrolled or contained in the Fine to be executed. (6) In like Manner, an Ordinary fhall be commanded in his Cafe, obferving neverthelefs. as before is faid of a Mean, which by. Recognifance or Judgement is bound to acquit," F!eta2. c ry.-. p. 76. feft. 9. Co. Lit. 131.2,- 2 Inft. 460,. B'ro. Debt, 10. Bro. Pari. 29. Fitz. Scire fac* f 1, 2, -x, 8, 12, &c. Fitz. Exe- cut. 18, 35, 57, 0.5, 100. Cro. El. 164. There fhall be rro Delays in thofe Things that be-recordedi, Execution of- Things re- corded. A S:ife facias - after the Sfear, Ordinary. A Mean, J3Ed, I. flat, t, e.g. CAP. XLVI. Lords may approve againft their Neighbours. Ufurpation of Commons during the Eftate of particular: Tenants; CUM in ftatuto edito apud Merton conceffum fuerit quod domini bofcorum vaftorum & pa- fturarum appruare fe poffent de bofcis vaftis & pa- fturis illis non obftante contradictione tenendum fuorum dummodo tenentes ipfi haberent fumcien- tem pafturam ad tenementa fua cum libero ingreflu. & egreflu ad eandem & pro eo quod nulla fiebat mentio inter r icinum & vicinum multi domini bo- fcorum vaftorum & pafturarum hucufque irnpediti extiterunt per contradi£tionem vicinorum fufficien- tem pafturam habendum Et quia forinfeci tenentes non habent majus jus communicandi in bofco vafto aut paftura alicujus domini. quam proprii te- nentes ipfius domini ftatutum eft decetero quod ftatutum apud Merton provifum inter dotninum & tenentes fuos locum habeat decetero inter dominos bofcorum vaftorum & pafturarum & vicinos Ita. quod domini hujufmodi vaftorum bofcorum & pa- fturarum falva fufficienti paftura hominibus fuis & vicinis appruare fe poffint de refiduo. Et hoc ob- fervetur de hiis qui clamant pafturam tanquam per- tinentem ad tenemerita fua. Sed fi quis clamat. Hereas in a Statute made at Merton it was i Roll 365,-. granted that Lords of Waftes, Woods, and - Infi - 473- " Paftures, might approve the faid Waftes, Woods, ™ H ' *;*■?' "' " and Paftures, nctwithftanding the Contradiction of .'£ „ S] ' 1 ° t " " their Tenants, fo that the Tenants had fufficient i 3 -h. 7. f. 13.. "'Pafture to their Tenements with" free EgreTs and Dyer 47, 316, "■ Regrefs to the fame : (z) And fbrafmuch as no Mea- 339' " tion was made between Neighbours and Neighbours, °' i'" ' ' " many Lords of Waftes, Woods, and Paftures, have ' 5 "■• been hindered heretofore by the Contradiction of " Neighbours having fufHcient Pafture: (3) And be- Lords may ap-- "■ caufe foreign Tenants have no more Right to- Com- P'° ve a s a ' nft '«. mon in the- Waftes, Woods, or Paftures of; any ^,^1^" . " Lord than the Lord's own Tenants ;" (4) ' it" is or- them-Vi-fEcienc 4 dained, That the Statute of Merton, provided be- Cmw on. ' tween the Lord and his tenants, from henceforth Enforced by ' fhall hold Place between Lords of Waites, Woods, 3&4Ed.6.-c. 3 , . ' and Paftures, and their Neighbours, faving fufficient ' Pafture to their Tenants and Neighbours, fo that the
- Lords of fuch Waftes, Woods, and 'Paftures, may
' make Approvement of the Refidud. (5) And this - ' fhall be obferved for fuch as claim Pafture as appur- 4 tenans.t