Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/166

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120 Gap. Anno decimo feptimo E d w a r d i I. A. D. 1 2 8 8. "CAP. 1. The King's Officers in Ireland mail purchafe no Land there without the King's Licence.

77*1 R ST, That the Juftice of Ireland, nor any

JP other Officer of ours of the fame Realm, fo long as they are in our Service there, {hall purchafe any Land or Tenement within the Lift or Bound of their Bailiwicks, without our fpecial Licence: (2) And if any do the contrary, that which he (hall purchafe fhall accrue and be forfeit to us and our Heirs ; (3) laving to the chief Lord of the Fee the Services due and accuftomed for the Lands and Tenements fo ac- cruing and forfeit to us.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. PRimerement qe la Juftice dlrlaund ne nul autre noftre miniftre en cele terre tancom ils fount en nos offices illoeqs ne purchacent terre ne tene- ment dedeinz les liftes ou boundes de lour baillies faunz noftre congie efpeciale & ft nul face le con- traire ceo qil avera purchace foit encoru & forfait a nous & noz heirs fauve as chiefs feignurages de fee fervices dues & accuftumez de terres & tenementes iffint encuruz & forfaitz a nouz. CAP. II. In what Cafe only Purveyance may be made in Ireland. L SO, That neither our Juftice of Ireland, nor any other of our Officers there, by colout of

  • their Offices, fhall take Victuals, or any other
  • Things, of any Perfon againft his Will, but in Time
  • of Neceffity, for the common Profit of the Realm ;

' and that then he fhall do it by the Advice and Affent

  • of the greateft Part of our Council in thofe Parts,

s and by a Writ awarded out of our Chancery of Ire- ' land; and in fuch Cafe as we or our Heirs do com-

  • mand by a Writ awarded out of our Chancery of

- England, or by other Warrants.' TEM qe noftre Juftice dlrlaund ne nul de noz _ autres miniftres iloeqs par colour de lour offices ne preignent vitailles ne autres chofes de nuli contre fon gre horpris en cas de neceffite pur le comun profit de la terre & adunqs qe ceo ce face par lavis & laffent de plus grantz de noftre counfeil celes par- ties & par bref ne noftre Chancellerie dlrlaund & en cas qe nous ou noz heirs les commanderoms par brief de noftre Chauncellerie dEngleterre ou par noz autres lettres. CAP. III. Tranfporting of Merchandifes out of Ireland. By 34 Ed. 3. c. 18. They -who ' ba've Lands in ' Jrelandmay carry t their Goods thi- c ther and bring them had, &c. ' < 18 Car. 1. c. a. «  •which is made ftrpetual by 3» Car, MOreover, That none of our Juftices, nor any of our other Minifters, by colour of their Of- fice, fhall arreft Ships, nor other Goods of Strangers, or of our own People; (2) but that all Merchants and others may carry their Corn, and other Victuals and Merchandifes, forth of our Realm of Ireland unto our Realm of England, and unto our Land of Wales, (faving in the Cafe aforefaid) paying the Cuftoms due and ufed, fo that they make good Security that they fhall not go unto, nor commerce with our Ene- mies of Scotland, nor other of our Enemies, if any fhall be. (3) And if any Juftice or other Officer do the contrary in the Things aforefaid, and be thereof attainted, he fhall fatisne the Plaintiff double Da- mages, and alfo fhall be grievoufly punifhed by us.' 2, ( , j, §, z. repeals the 34 Ed. 3. c, 18. as to hijh Cattle, IT E M qe noftre dite Juftice ne nul de noz au- tres miniftres iloeqs par colour de lour office ne areftent nyefs ne autres biens des eftraunges ne des privez mez qe touz marchaunz & autres puifTent carier bledz & autres vitailles & marchandifes hors de noftre terre dlrlaund jefqs en noftre roialme dEngleterre & en noftre terre de Gales horpris en les cas fufditz fefauntz les cuft'umes dues & ufeez iffint totes voies qil facent covenable feurte qil ne irrount ne ne communerent od noz enemis de Scoce ne noz autres enemis fi nul fuiffent. Et ft nul Ju- ftice ou autre miniftre face le contrair des chofes fufdites & de ceo foit atteint face gre au pleintif de fes damages a double & jademeyns foit grevement puni devers nous. * CAP. IV. The Fees of a Bill of Grace in Ireland. « TTEreafter there fhall be taken and paid for the « X~J, Seal of our Juftice of Ireland, for every Bill of

  • Grace, ivd. and for the writing of every Bill, lid.
  • and no more.'

ITem pur le feal noftre Juftice dlrlaund de chefc- une bille de grace quater deniers & pur lefctip- ture de chefcune bille deux deners defore foientpris & paiez & nient plus. CAP,