Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/190

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144* Stat. 3. Anno vicefimo o&avo Edwardi I. A< D. 1300. c A P. IX. What Sort of People (hall be returned upon every Jury. Co. Lit. 15?. a. See 13 Ed- I. fat. I. c. 38. 2 1 Ed. 1 .flat . I 34. Ed. 3. c.4. 42 Ed. 3. c. 11 7 fif 8 W. 3. c. ©V. e/" Jurort. 2 Trtft. 561. Kel. 81. HE King wiUeth and commandeth, That no Sheriff nor Bailiff fhaU impanel in Inquefts ' nor in Juries over many Perfons, nor otherwife than ' it is ordained by Statute ; (2) and that they fliall put ' in thofe Inquefts and Juries fuch as be next Neigh- ' bours, moft fufficient, and leaft fufpicious. (3) And ' he that otherwife doth, and is attainted thereupon, ' fliall pay unto the Plaintiff his Damages double, and ' fliall be grievoufly amerced unto the Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. E Roi voet e comande q-e nul vifconte ne bail- lif ne naette en enqueic:s ne en jurees plus des gentz ne autres ne en autre manere qil neft or- dene par eftatut e qil mettent en teles enqueftes. e jurees les plus procheins plus fuffifantz e meins fufpecenpus. E qi autrement le fra & de ceo foit atteint rende au pleintif fes damages au duble & foit en la greve merci le Roi. mg. . 1 R. 3. c. 4. 11 ff.7. c.21. 4i/.8.<r.3. 5H.8.C.5. 23H8.C13. 35H.8.C.6. 27 Elix. c. 6 & 7. 4 fef 5 W.& M. e. 14. 31. 3 G. 2. c. 25. 4 Geo. 2. c. 7. 6 Geo. 2. c. 37. 24 Geo. 2. e. IS. and 29 Geo. 2. c. 19. 'which Statutes provide farther for the Sualif cations, Regift. 178, 179, i8:>. CAP. X. The Remedy againft Confpirators, falfe Informers, and Embracers of Juries. Regift. 188. Raft. 123, &c. 3 Ed. I.e. 25*. " 13 Ed. I. flat. I. 'I C 49, < 13H. 4. f. 17. t ; Fitz, Cham- perty, 3, 4, 6, 12, 14, 15. ' a Inft. 118. I Enforced by 4 y.Ed.i flat. 1. t I Ed. 3. flat. 2. c.,4. 4-Ed. 3. c. 11. «  »o£<y. 3. c. 4. i 1 R. t. c.4. a»<J c 32 H. 8. eg. { againft buying cf Tklet, &c. ' 21 Ed. 3. f. 52. «  Bro. Champerty, c II. t Raft. 119, 427, N Right of Confpirators, falfe Informers, and evil Procurers of Dozens, Affifes, Inquefts and Juries, the King hath provided Remedy for the Plaintiffs by a Writ out of the Chancery. (2) And notwith- standing, he willeth that his Juftices of the one Bench and of the other, and Juftices affigned to take Af- fifes, when they come into the Country to do their Office, (hall, upon every Plaint made unto them, award Inquefts thereupon without Writ, and fliall do Right unto the Plaintiffs without Delay.' EN droit des confpiratours faus enfourmours e mauveis procureours des duzeines enquefts- aflifes e jurees le Roi ad ordene remedie as plein- tifs par bref de Chancelerie. E ja dumeins voet qe fes Juftices de lun banc e de lautre e Juftices as affifes prendre affignes quaunt il viegnent en pais a fere leur office de ceo facent leur enqueftes a chefcuny pleinte fantz bref e fantz delai e facent droit as pleintifs. C A P. XL Nothing fliall be taken to maintain any Matter in Suit. ND further, becaufe the King hath heretofore ordained by Statute, that none of his Mini- fters fliall take no Plea for Maintenance, by which Statute other Officers were not bounden before this Time;" (2) ' The King will, that no Officer nor any other (for to have Part of the Thing in Plea) fliall not take upon him the Buftnefs that is in fuit ; (3) nor none upon any fuch Covenant fnall give up his Right to another ; (4) and if any do, and he be attainted thereof, the Taker fliall forfeit unto the King fo much of his Lands and Goods as doth amount to the Value of the Part that he hath pur- chafed for fuch Maintenance. (<;) And for this At- teindre, whofoever will, fliall be received to fue for the King before the Juftices, before whom the 1 lea hangeth, and the Judgment fhall be given by them. (6) But it may not be underftood hereby, that any Perfon fliall be prohibit to have Counfcl of Pleaders, or of learned Men in the Law for his Fee, or of his Parents and next Friends.' Erechief pur ceo qe le P„oi avoit avarit ordene par eftatut qe nul de fes Miniftres ne preift nul plai a champart e par eel eftatut autres qe Miniftres ne eftoient pas avant ces houres a ceo lieez voet le Roi qe nul Miniftre ne nul autre pur part aver de chofe qe eft en plai enpreigne les bu- ibignes qe "font en plai. Ne nul fur thu cove- naunt foen droit ne leffe a autri. E fi nul le fet e de ceo foit atteint foit forfet e encoru devers le Roi des biens ou de terres lempernour la value dau- tantcome fa partie de foil purchaz par tele enprife amontera. E a ceo atteindre foit refceu celui qui fuire vodra pur le Roi devant ks Juftices devant quieus le plai avera efte e par eus foit le ngard fet. Mes en ceo cas ne eft mie a entendre qe home ne puet aver confail de contours e des fages gentz pur du foen donant ne des fes parentz e fes procheins. 4 H. 7. f. 3. 2lnft 565. 51 H. 3. ftat.4, 52 H. 3. c.4. CAP. XII. What Diftrers fhall be taken for the King's Debt, and how it fhall be ufed. ' T7ROM henceforth the King will, that fuch Dif- ' ±} treffes as are to be taken tor his Debts fliall not ' be made upon Beafts of the Plough, Co long as a Man ' may find any other, upon the fame Pain that is elfe-

  • where ordained by Statute, &c. (2) And he will

' not that over-great Diftreffes fliall be taken for his • AdJ<-,23tif 33. D Erechief voet le Roi qe deftrefces qe font a fere pur fa dette ne foient fetz par beftes des carues tant come home puet autre trover folunc ceo qe ordene eft aillours par eftatut ove la peine &c. E ne voet qe trop grive deftrefce foit prife pur fa dette ne trop loinz mtnc e fi le dettour pufle