Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/283

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A. D. 1 341. Annodecimo quinto Edwardi Ifl. 2 37 By another Statute made alfo Anno 15 Edw. III. the laft mentioned Statute of Anno 15 Edw. III. was repealed, becaufe it was made without the Kings Confent. Ex Rot. Stat. in Turr. Lone!, m. 19. dorfo. REX vicecomiti Lincoln' falutem. Cum in parliamento noftro apud Weftm' in quindena Pafche proximo preterita convocato quidam articuli legibus & confuetudinibus regni noftri An- glie k juvibus & prerogative noftre regiis exprefle contrarii pretendantur per modum ftatutorum per nos fuifl'e conceffi Nos confiderantes qualiter ad ob- fervationem & defenfionem legum confuetudinum jurium& prerogativarum hujufmodi aftricfi fumus vinculo juramenti et proinde volentes ea que fie fi- unt improvide ad ftatum debitum revocare fuper hoc cum Comitibus et Barcnibus ac peritis aliis dicti regni noftri confilium habuimus et tractatum Et quia editioni di&i ftatuti pretenfi nunquam con- fenumus fet premiffis proteftationibus de revocando dictum ftatutum fi de fa£k> procederet ad evitan- dum pericula que ex ipfms denegatione tunc time- bantur provenire cum dictum parliamentum alias fuiffet fine expeditione aliqua in difcordia diflblu- tum et fie ardua noftra negotia fuiflent quod abfit verifimiliter in ruina difiimulavimus ficut oportuit et diiStum pretenfum ftatutum figillari permifimus ilia vice videbatur di&is Comitibus Baronibus et p:ritis quod ex quo dictum ftatutum de voluntate noftra gratuita non proceflit nullum erat et quod nomen vel vim ftatuti habere non deberet. Et ideo dic- tum ftatutum de ipforum confilio et affenfu decre- vimus efle nullum et illud quatenus de facto pro- ceflit duximus adnullandum volentes tamen quod, articuli in dicto ftatuto pretenfo contend qui per alia ftatuta noftra vel progenitorum noftrorum Re- gum. Anglie funt prius approbati juxta formam dictorum ftatutorum in omnibus prout convenitob- ferventur. Et hoc fol'um ad confervationem et redintegrationem jurium corone noftre facimus ut tenemur non autem ut fubditos noftros quos in manfuetudine regere cupimus opprimamus aliqua- liter vel gravemus. Et ideo tibi precipimus quod hec omnia in Jocis infra ballivam tuam ubi expe- dire videris publice facias proclamari. T. R. apud Weftm' primo die Octobris anno quintodecimo. Per ipfum Regem et confilium. D W A R D by the Grace of God, &c. to the She- i» Co. 75. riff of Lincoln, Greeting. Whereas at our Parliament fummoned at JVeJlminfter in the ghcinzime of Eajhr laft paft, certain Articles exprefly contrary to the Laws and Cuftoms of our Realm of England, and to our Prerogatives and Rights Royal, were pretended to be granted by us by the Manner of a Statute; (2) we, confidering how that by the Bond of our Oath we be tied to the Obfervarice and Defence of fuch Laws, Cuftoms, Rights, and Pre- rogatives, and providently wihing to revoke fuch Things to their own State, which be fo improvi- dently done, upon Conference and Treatife there- upon had with the Earls, Barons, and other wife Men of our faid Realm, and becaufe we never con- fented to the making of the faid Statute, but as then it behoved us, we diflimuled in thePremiffes by Pro- teftations of Revocation of the faid Statute, if in- deed it fhould proceed, to efchew the Dangers which by the denying of the fame we feared to come, for- afmuch as the faid Parliament otherwife had been without difpatching any Thing in Difcord diflblved, and fo cur earneft Bufmefs had likely been ruinated (which God prohibit) and the faid pretenfed Statute we permitted then to be fealed : (3) It feemed'to the faid Earls, Barons, and other wife Men, that ii- thence the faid Statute did not of our free Will pro- ceed, the. fame be void, and ought not to have the Name nor Strength of a Statute;" ' and therefore by their Counfel and Aflent we have decreed the faid. Statute to be void, and the fame in as much as it pro- ceeded of * Dread, we have agreed to be adnulled; » ReadFaf?.- (4) willing neverthelefs, That the Articles contained in the faid pretenfed Statute, which by other of our' Statutes, or of our Progenitors Kings of England have been approved, fhall, according to the Form of the faid Statute in every Point, as convenient is, be- obferved. (5) And the fame we do only to the Con-, fervation and Reintegration of the Rights of our Crown, as we be bound, and not that we fhould in any wife grieve or opprefs our Subjects, whom we defireto rule by Lenity and Gentlenefs. And there- fore we do command thee, That all thefe Things thou caufe to be openly proclaimed in fuch Places Not «» 5*ii A3 within thy Bailiwick where thou {halt fee expedient. "f ttidl ° k*™ Witnefs myfelf at Weflminjier the Firft Day of Oc- ' tober, the Fifteenth Year of our Reign.' j 7 Ed. 3 . See Cake, 4 hjl, ■ P. 52. A Third Statute made Anno 15 Edw. III. exprejfmg certain Conditions or Covenants whereupon the Subftdy granted Anno 14. was given him*. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 19. D. FAIT a remembrer de les conditions qe les grantz & la communalte demandent pur le grante qilsferront a.noftre Seignurle Roi pur la noefifme aignel toifon & garbe del anfeconde. C A K-