Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/305

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A. D.

  • 35°'

Anno viceiimo qmnto Edwardi III. Stat. 4. 259 Statute of Cloths^ made Anno 25 Edw. III. Stat. 4. and Anno Dom. i35°- CAP. I. The Aulneger fhall be fworn to do his Duty. The Penalty if he offend *. C A P. II. Merchant Strangers may buy and fell without Difturbance. takes' aivay AuU iiage Duties* Ex Rot. in Turf. Lond. ITEM come contenu foit en un eftatut fait a Everwyk Ian du regne noftre dit Seignur le Roi noefifme qe touz marchantz aliens & denzeins & touz autres et chefcun deux de quel eftat ou con- dition qils foient qi achater ou vendre voillent bledz vins avoir du pois chars peffons & toutes autres vivres & vitailles leines draps merces marchandifes & totes maneres dautres chofes vendables de quele part qils viegnent par foreins ou par denzeins a quel lieu qe ce foit foit il burgh ville port du meer faire marche ou autre lieu deinz raeifme le Roialme deinz franchife ou dehors les puiffent franchement & fanz deftourber vendre a qi qe lour pleft auxibien as foreins come as denzeins forfpris les enemys de noftre Seignur le Roi & de fon Roialme Accorde eft par noftre dit Seignur le Roi Prelatz Countes Ba- rons & touz autres grantz & communes en cell prefent parlement qe le dit eftatut en touz pointz & articles contenuz en ycel foit tenu garde & meintenu. Et qe fi nul eftatut chartre lettre pa- tente proclamation ou mandement ufage allouance ou jugement foit fait au contraire foit overtement repelle anienty & tenu pur nul. Et outre ce qe chefcun marchant ou autre de quele condition qil foit auxibien alien come denzein qi amene vins chars peffbn ou autre manere des vittailles draps peaux ou avoir du pois ou quecomqes autres mer- ces ou marchandifes a la Citee de Londres ou as autres citees burghs & bones villes dEngleterre ou portz de meer les poet franchement & fanz cha- lange ou empefchement de nuli vendre en gros ou a retaill ou par parcelles a fa volunte a queconqes gentz qi les vodront achater nient contrefteant que- cumqe franchife grante ou cuftume ufe ou que-- comqe autre chofe faite au contraire deficome qe tielx franchifes & ufages font en commune preju- dice du Roi & de tut fon poeple. Et qe nul mair baillif catchepole miniftre ne nule autre fe melle de la vente de nule manere des vitailles vendables me- nez ou portez as citees burghs ne autres villes ne faire ne marche fors foulement celi a qi les vitail- les font et qe proclamation ent foit faite de novel en touz les countez dEngleterre et en la" Citee de Londres et en touz autres citees burghs bones villes portz du meer et aillours deinz le Roialme dEn- gleterre ou meftire ferra et qe noftre dit Seignur le Roi fur ce face affigner fes Juftices totes les foitz qe lui plerra et mefter foit denquere de touz ceux qi vendront ou riens facent alencontre et de les punir felonc la peine contenue en meifme leffatut fait Ian noefifme. Et qe chefcun qi vprra fuir de- TEM, Whereas ft is contained in a Statute made at York the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Lord the King that now is, that all Merchants, Ali- ens, and Denizens, and all other, and every of them, of what Eftate or Condition they were, which would buy or fell Corn, Wine, Avoir de pois, Flefh, Fifh, and all other Livings and Victual, Cloths, Chaffer, Woolls, Merchandifes, or any other Things vendi- ble, from what Party they come, by Foreigners or by Denizens, to what Place foever it be, Borough, Town, Port of the Sea, Fair, Market, or other Place within this Realm, within Franchifes or with- out, may freely and without Difturbance fell the fame to whom pleafe them, as well to Foreigners as to Denizens, except * the Kings Enemies :'.' ' (2) it is accorded by our Lord the King, the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and other great Men, and the Com- mons in this prefent Parliament, That the faid Sta- tute, in all Points and Articles contained in the fame, be hclden, kept, and maintained. (3) And if that any Statute, Charter, Letters Patents, Proclamation, or Commandment, Ufage, Allowance, or Judgement be made to the contrary, the fame fhall be openly repealed, void, and holden for none. (4) And more- over, that every Merchant, or other, of what Con- dition he be, as well Alien as Denizen, that bring Wines, Flefh, Fifh, or other Victuals, Cloths, Woolfels, Avoir de pois, or any other Manner of Merchandifes, or Chaffer, to the City of London, or other Cities, Boroughs, and good Towns of Eng- land, or Ports of the Sea, may freely, and without Challenge or Impeachment of anv, fell in grofs or at Retail, or by Parcels, at his Will, to all Manner of People that will buy the fame, notwithstanding any Franchifes, Grants, or Cuftom ufed, or any other Thing done to the contrary ; fithence that fuch Ufa- ges and Franchifes be to the common Prejudice of the King and his People. (;) And that no Mayor, Bai- liff, Catchpole, Minifter, nor other, fhall meddle with the Sale of any Manner of Viftual vendible, brought to Cities, Boroughs, or other Towns, nor Fair nor Market, but only he to whom the Victuals be; (6) and Proclamation be thereof made of new in all Counties of England, and in the City of Lon- don, and in all other Cities, Boroughs, good Towns, Ports of the Sea, and other Places within the Realm of England, where Need fhall be; (7) and that the King thereupon caufe to be afligned his Juftices at all Times that fhall pleafe him, and if Need be, to en- quire of all thofe that fnall offend againft this Ordi- nance, or do any Thing againft the fame, and to pu- nifh them according to the Pain contained in the fame Statute made in the faid Ninth Year. (3) And that every Perfon that will fue againft any fuch, fhall LI 2 ' have 9 Ed. 3. flat. r. c. 1. 9H.3. flat, 1. c. 30. I<J;£i„ %.Jiat. z. c.z.

  • To the Em-

mies of our Lord the King and his Realm. Altered by 16 R. 2. c. 1. No Officer (hall meddle with the Sale of a Stran- ger's Goods*