Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/317

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A. D. 1350. Anno vicefimo quinto Edwardi III. Stat. 6. 271 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. _ I mentz & collations come il ad dautres de favowerie ! demeifne. Et en cas qe les prefentees le Roi ou les prefentes dautres patrons-de feinte eglife ou de lour • avowes ou ceux as queux le Roi ou tielx patrons ou avowes fufditz averont done benefices apurtenantz j a lour prefentementz ou collations foient deftour- bez par tiels provifours iffint qils ne puiffent avoir I poffeffion de tieles benefices par vertue des prefente- ' mentz-& collations iffint a eux faitz ou qe ceux qe font en poffeffion des tiels benefices foient empef- ches fur lour dites pofTeffions par tielx provifours adonqes foient les ditz provifours & lour procura- tors executours & notaires attaches par lour corps & menes en refponfe & fils foient conviftz demo ■ ergent en prifone fanz eftre lefle a meinprife en bailie ou autrement delivres tanqils averont fait fin & redemption au Roi a fa volente & gree a la par- tie qe fe fentera greve. Et nient meins avant qils foient deli vrers facent pleine renunciation & troe- vent fufficeante feurete qils nattempteront tiele chofe en temps avenir ne nul proces fueront par eux ne par autre devers nuly en la dite court de Rome ne nule part aillours pur nules tieles empri- fonementz ou renunciations ne nule autre chofe dependant de eux. Et en cas qe tielx provifours procuratours execu- tours & notaires ne foient trovez qe lexigende cour- ge devers eux par due proces & qe briefs iffent de prendre lour corps quel part qils foient trovez au- xibien a la fuke le Roi come de partie & qen le mefne temps le Roi eit les profitz de tielx benefices iffint ocupez par tielx provifours forfpris Abbeies Priories & autres mefons qont college ou covent & en tieles mefons eient les covent & colleges les pro- fitz fauvant totefoitz a noftre Seignur le Roi & as autres Seignurs lour aunciene droit. Et eit ceft eftatut lieu auxibien de refervations collations & provifions faites & grantes en temps pafTe devers touz ceux qe ne font unqore adept corporele pof- feffion des benefices a eux grauntes par meifmes les refervations collations & provifions come devers touz autres en temps avenir. Et doit ceft eftatut tenir lieu commenceant a les oetaves fufditz. By 16 R. 2. c. 5 purchajlng Bulk cr other Inftrumenls from Rome incurs See of Rome, or bringing Bulk, CS'c. from thence. Place do not give the fame by Lapfe of Time within Ji"urb fuch a Month after half a Year, that then the King iiia.ll Preferments have thereof the Presentments and Collations, ashe^f™^^ hath of other of his own Advowry. (6) And in cafe m ake.° UB that the Prefentees of the King, or the Prefentees of See 26 H. 8, other Patrons of holy Church, or of their Advowees, c. 15. or they to whom the King, or fuch Patrons or Ad- vowees aforefaid, have given Benefices pertaining to their Prefentments or Collations, be difturbed by iuch Provifors, fo that they may not have Poffeffion of iuch Benefices by virtue of the Prefentments or Col- lations to them made, or that they which be in Pof- feffion of fuch Benefices be impeached upon their laid PofTeffions by fuch Provifors ; then the (aid Provifors, their Procurators, Executors, and Notaries, fhall be attached by their Body, and brought in to anfwer ; (7) and if they be convict, they fhall abide in Prifon without being let to Mainprife or Bail, or otherwife delivered, till that they have made Fine and Ranfom to the King at his Will, and Gree to the Party that fhall feel himfelf grieved. (8) And neverthelefs be- fore that they be delivered, they fhall make full Re- nunciation, and find fufficient Surety that they fhall not attempt fuch Things in Time to come, nor fue any Procefs by them, nor by other, againft any Man in the Court of Rome, nor in any Part elfewhere r for any fuch Imprifonments or Renunciations, nor any other Thing depending of them. ' V. And in cafe that fuch Provifors, Procurators, F;t z .Pr;emu- Executors, or Notaries be not found, that the Exi- nire.,9, is. gent fhall run againft them by due Procefs, and that Writs shall go forth to take their Bodies in what Parts they be found, as well at the King's Suit, as at the Suit of the Party, (z) and that in the mean Time the King fhall have the Profits of fuch Bene- fices fo occupied by fuch Provifors, except Abbeys, Priories, and other Houfes, which have Colleges or Covents, and in fuch Houfes the Colleges and Co- vents fhall have the Profits ; faving always to our Lord the King, and to all other Lords, their old Right. (3) And this Statute fhall have Place as well of Refervations, Collations, and Provifions made and granted in Times paft againft all them which, have not yet obtained corporal Poffeffion of the Be- jj,^ . 6 . nefices granted to them by the fame Refervations, 13 r, 2 , u'at. 1. Collations, and Provifions, as againft all other inc. 1. Time to come. And this Statute oweth to hold Cmjlhie^iy Place and to begin at the faid Was.' *3 R £ ftat * a ° C. 2- & J. Prarmunire. And fee 5 El. c. 1. and 13 El. c. 2, againft maintaining the Authority of the utiit. Statutum apud Weftm' editum eodem Anno 25 Edw. III. Anno Dom. 1350. The King granteth to the Commons in Aid of aDifrne and Fifteen by them before granted to him, all the Iffues, Fines, Forfeitures, and Amerciaments levied of Labourers, .Artificers, Regrators, Victuallers, and Servants. Ste Appendix. A Statute of Provifors, made Anno 27 Edw. III. Stat. 1. and Anno 'Dom. 1353. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. i?. NOSTRE Seignur le Roi de laffent & a la priere des Grauntz & de la communalte de ion Roialme dEngleterre a fon grant confeil 4 o UR Lord the King, by the Affent and Prayer of the Great Men, and the Commons of his Realm of 'England, at his great Council holden " at