Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/320

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274 Stat. i. Anno vicefimo feptimo Edwardi III. A. D. 1353 The Aulneger's Fee tor every Cloth and half Clot'; fold. Hardrefs 2c6. A SuhGdy panted to the King of every Cloth. Cloths put to Sale before they be fealed fhall be forfeit. Carthew 315. jQmendcd by 5 & € Ed. 6. c. 6. 3 I & 12 W. 3. 020. takes away rfultiage Duties. Aulneger fhall meafure the Cloth, and mark the fame, by which Mark a Man may know how much the Cloth containeth: (4) And of as much as the Cloth, which is bought for Cloth of Aflife, fhall be found lefs than the Aflife, Allowance or Abatement fhall be made to the Buyer in the Payment which he fhall make for the fame Cloth, after the Quantity of the Price for which the Cloth was bought: (5) And the Aulneger fhall take for every Cloth fo meafured, which is of Aflife, that is to fay, of the Seller an Halfpenny, and of half a Cloth a Farthing for his Office, and no more ; nor they fhall take nothing of the Cloths which be lefs than of the half Cloth ; (6) and that he nothing meddle of the Aulnage of any Cloth, but only of Cloths which are to be fold. (7) And for fo much the faid Lords and Commons have granted to the King a Subfidy of every Cloth which is to be fold, to take of the Seller over the Cuftoms thereof due, that is to fay, Of every Cloth of the faid Aifife, wherein there is no Grain, iv. d. (8) and of every half fuch Cloth, it. d. (9) and of every Cloth of Aflife of Scarlet, vi. d. (io) and of every half fuch Cloth, Hi. d. ( 1 1) and of every Cloth half Grain of Aflife, v. d. (iz) and of every half fuch Cloth, it d. oh. (13) And that every Cloth pairing the half Cloth of Aflife, by three Yards and more, which is no Cloth whole of Aflife, and alfo of every Cloth pafling the v/hole Cloth by three Yards and more, fhall be taken after the Rate or Subfidy which is to be paid for the whole Cloth of the fame Sort ; (14) fo always, that of no Cloth which containeth not half a Cloth, nor of Cloths which a Man maketh for his own Ufe to clothe him and his Meiny, nor of Cloth fealed with the Seal of the Collector of the faid Subfidy, of which the fame Subfidy was once paid by the Seller, to whofe Hands that fuch Cloths fhall come after to fell, or in any Manner, nothing of the faid Subfidy fhall be paid and demanded. (15) And that fuch Manner of Cloths which be put to Sale be- fore that they be fealed with the faid Seal, fhall be forfeit to the King, and taken into his Hands by the faid Collector or Aulneger, or by the Deputy of one of them, or elfe by the Bailiffs of the Town where fuch vendible Cloths not fealed fhall be found.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. les mercher par quele merche homme purra conoi- ftre combien le draps contient & de tant come ferra trove le draps qe eft achate pur draps daffife eftre meinz qe daflife foit allowance ou rebatement fait a lachatour en le paiement qil ferra pur meifme le draps folonc la quantite du pris pur quel le draps feuft achate et qe launeour preigne pur chefcun draps iffint aunee qeft daflife ceft affavoir du ven- dour un maill & de dimid' draps un ferthyng pur fon office & nient plus ne qil ne preigne rien de - draps qe eft meinz qe di' draps et qil ne fe melle rien de launage de nuls draps fors foulement de draps qe font a vendre. Et par tant les ditz Seig- nurs & communes ount grante au Roi un fubfid' de chefcun draps qeft a vendre a prendre du ven- dour autre les cuftumes ent due ceft affavoir de chefcun draps du dite aflife en quele ny ad point de graine iiij. d. & de dimi tieu draps ii.d, dechefcuiv draps de fcarlet daflife vi. d. & de dimi tieu draps iii. d. & de chefcun draps daffife de dimi graine cinqe deniers & de di' tieu drap ii. d. ob. Et qe de chefcun drap paffant di' drap daffife par trois aunes & plus qe neft mie drap entiere daflife Seauf- fint de chefcun drap paffant drap entiere par trois aunes & plus foit pris folonc lafferant du fubfid* qeft a paier pur le drap entiere de meifme la forte iffint totesfoitz qe de nul drap qe ne contient pas di* drap ne de draps queux homme fait a fon oeps de- mefne pur veftir lui &. fa meifnee ne de draps en- fealez du feal du coillour du dit fubfid' des queux meifme le fubfid' eft unefoitz paie par le vendour a qi mains qe tieux draps deviegnent apres a vendre ou en autre manere rien du dit fubfide foit paie ne demande. Et qe tote manere de draps qe font mis a vente avant qils foient enfealez du dit feal foient forfaitz au Roi & pris en fa main par le dit coillour ou auneour ou par le depute de lun de eux ou au- trement par baillifs de la ville ou tiel drap vendable nient enfeale ferra trove. CAP. V. It fhall be Felony to foreftall or ingrofs Gafcoign "Wine. ENfement acorde eft et affentu qe defens et proclamation foient faites qe nul marchant Engleis nengrofle ne forftalle vins en Gafcoigne ne les preigne par voie dacate de nul Gafcon ne dautre pur paier en En- Repealed for the gleterre pur plus grant fumme qe vins ne font communement venduz en Gafcoigne par caufe dappreft ou Felony and for peril de meer ou pur nul autre colour fur piene de vie et de membre et de forfeiture des ditz vins et de the Forfeiture touz lour autres biens et chateux devers le Roi et de forfeiture de leur terres et tenemenz devers les chiefs of Lands by 37 Seienurs et eient les chiefs Seienurs brief defchete en le cas. -Ed. 3. c. 16. ° " C A P. VI. Merchants may bring their "Wines to what Ports they will. AUffint eft ordene et eftabli qe touz marchantz Gafcons et autres eftranges puffent amefner fauvement leur vins en Engleterre a queu port qe lour plerra et faire ent lour profit Iffint totes foitz qe le botiller le Roi purra faire la purveance le Roi de vins des aliens quant befoigne ferra fefant paiement pur meifmes les vins deinz xl, jours en manere come ad efte ufe« dauncien temps. 4 OB. 43 Ed. 3. c.3. CAP.