Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/428

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382 C. 13, i4» Anno duodecimo R 1 c H a r d i II. A. D. 1 3 8 8. Chief Officers of Towns ihall compel Offen- ders to redrefs their Annoy-

  • Ate and if

be cah'nct duly excufe b'mhtlf, tie [aid Penalty jhall be levied on bim. CAP. XIII. The Pumfhrftent of them which caufe Corruption near a City or great Town to corrupt the Air. Ex Rot- in Turr. Lond. T E M pur ce qe tantz des fymes & autres or- dures des iflues & entrailles fibien des beftes tuez come des autres corruptions font gettez & mys en foffes ryvers & autres ewes & auxint plu- fours autres lieux dedeinz entour & pres diverfes citees burghs & villes du Roialme & les fuburbes" dicelles qe laire illoeqes eft grandment corrupt & enfe<£r. & plufours maladies & autres difeafes nient fuffrables aveignent de jour en autre fibien a les inhabitantz Sc converfantz es dites citees burghs villes & fuburbes come as autres illoeqes repairantz & paflantz a trefgrant anufance damage & peril des inhabitantz converfantz repairantz & paflantz fuf- ditz Accordez eft & aflentuz qe proclamation foit faite fibien en la Citee de Londres come en autres citees burghs & villes parmy le Roialme ou il bu- foigne fibien deinz franchifes come dehors qe touti ceux qe tielx anufances fymes iflues entrailles & autres ordures ont gettez & mys en fofles ryvers ewes & autres lieux fuifdites les facent outrement remuer oufter & emporter parentre cy & le feft de feint Michel profchein avenir apres le fyn de ceft parlement chefcun fur peyne de vynt livres appaiers au Roy & qe les meirs & baillifs de chefcun tiel ci- tee burgh & ville & auxint les baillifs des franchi- fes les compellent de ce faire fur femblable peyne. Et fi afcUn foy fent greve qe ce ne foit parrait en marlere fufdite & foy voet ent pleindre al Chancel- ler apres le dit fefte de feint Michel eit brief de faire venir celui de qi il vdet enfy pleindre en la Chancellarie a y rhohftrer pur qoy la dite peyne ne ferra leve de luy & fil ne fe poet ent duement ex- cufer foit mefme la peyne leve de luy. Et enoutre foit proclamation faite fibien en la dite Citee de Londres come en autres citees burghs & villes come defuis qe null de quel condition qil foit ne face met* tre ou gettre defore en avant tieles anoefances iflues fymes entrailles & ordures en les fofles ryvers ewes & autres lieux fufditz & fi null le face foit appelle par brief devant le Chanceller a la fuite de celuy qe foy vorra pleindre et fil foit trove coupable foit pu«  niz folonc la difcretion del Chaunceller. Repeals by 5 &6Ed.6 c. 43EHZ. c. 10, 4jac. I.e. a. " T TEMj For that fo much Dung and Filth of the " JL Garbage and Intrails as well of Beafts killed, as '*■'• of other Corruptions, be C3ft and put in Ditches, " Rivers, and other Waters, and alio within many " other Places, within, about, and nigh unto divers " Cities, Boroughs, and Towns of the Realm, and " the Suburbs of them, that the Air there is greatly " corrupt and infec~t, and many Maladies and other " intolerable Difeafes do daily happen, as well to the " Inhabitants, and thofe that are converfant in the faid " Cities, Boroughs, Towns and Suburbs, as to other " repairing and travelling thither, to the great Annoy- " ance, Damage, and Peril of the Inhabitants, Dwel- " lers, Repairers, and Travellers aforefaid;" ' (2) it ' is accorded and aflented, That Proclamation be made ' as well in the City of London, as in other Cities, Bd-

  • roughs, and Towns, through the Realm of England,

' where it (hall be needful, as well within Franchifes 5 as without, that all they which do caft and lay all

  • fuch Annoyances, Dung, Garbages, Intrails, and

' other Ordure in Ditches, Rivers, Waters, and other ' Places aforefaid, fhall caufe them utterly to be re- ' moved, avoided, and carried away betwixt this and ' the Feaft of St. Michael next enfuing after the End ' of this prefent Parliament, every one upon Pain to ' lofe and to forfeit to our Lord the King xx li. (3) And that the Mayors acd Bailiffs of every fuch City, ' Borough, or Town, and alfo the Bailiffs of Fran- ' chifes, fhall compel the fame to be done upon like ' Pain. (4) And if any feel himfelf grieved, that it ' be hot done in the Manner aforefaid, and will there- ' upon complain him to the Chancellor after the faid ' P'eaft of St. Michael, he fhall have a Writ to make ' him of whom he will fo complain to come into the ' Chancery, there to fhevv why the faid Penalty fhould ' not be levied of him *. (5) And moreover, Procla- ' mation fhall be made, as well in the City of London, ' as in other Cities, Boroughs, and Towns as afore, ' that none of what Condition foever he be, caufe to ' be caft or thrown from henceforth any fuch Annoy- ' ance, Garbage, Dung, Intrails, nor any other Or- ' dure into the Ditches, Rivers, Waters, and other ' Places aforefaid ; (6) and if any do, he fhall be cal- ' led by Writ before the Chancellor, at his Suit that ' will complain ; and if he be found guilty, he fhall be ' punifhed after the Difcretion of the Chancellor.' C A P. XIV. A Confirmation of the Statute of 47 Edw. 3. c. 1. touching the Length and Breadth of Cloths. TEM accordez eft et aflentuz qe les draps de ray et de colour affairs et a overers a Briftuyt et es contees environ foient de la mefure autrefoitz ordeignez par eftatut fait a Weftm' Ian du regne le Rpi Edward aiel noftre Scignur le Roi qore eft qarrant feptifme ceftaflavoir les draps de ray de la longure de xxviii. auns mefurez par la lift' et cynk quartres de laeure et le drap de colour xxvi. auns de longure mefure par le doos et fys quartres de laeure au meyns. Et qe demy drap foit il de ray ou de colour tiegne en longure folonc lafferant et en laeure come les draps de ray etde colour fur la peyne contenue en mefme leftatut. C A P.