Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/445

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A. D. 1390. Anno decimo quarto Rich audi II. C. 12. 99 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. de Cantebr' outre les Seignurs aflignez en ceft par- lement et qe lcs eftretes des ditz juftices foient dou- blez et lune partie delivere par les ditz juftices al vifcont pur lever les deniers ent fourdantz et ent paier as ditz juftices et a lour clerks lour gages par la mayn du dit vifcont par endenture entre eux ent affaire et qe les vifcontz eient allouance en lour ac- compt en lefcheqer par mefme lendenture et qe null Due Count Baron ou Baneret tout foient ils affig- liez juftices de la pees et tiegnent lour feffions ovefqe les autres oept juftices ne preignent gages purle dit office. Et qeles juftices qe tiegnent lour feffions mettent lour nouns et le noun de lour clerk enfemblement ove le nombre des jours de lour fef- fions au fyn qe les vifcontz purront favoir a qi paier gages et a qi noun et les Barons de lefcheqer a qi allower et a qi noun et qe les fealx foient faitz pur les fervantz et baillez en garde dafcun prod homme du paiis folonc le purporte de le dit eftatut de Can- tebr' le quell eftatut ove la modification dicell faite al darrein parlement enfemblement ove leftatutz de poys et mefures et toutz autres eftatutz et bones or- dinances faitz avant ces heures et nient repellez le ■Roy voet qils foient tenuz et gardez et mys en due execution. of Canterbury, befides the Lords affigned in this Par- liament : (2) And that the Eftreats of the faid Ju- ftices be doubled, and the one Part delivered by the faid Juftices to the Sheriff", to levy the Money there- of riling, and thereof <w pay to the Juftices * their Wages by the Hand , of the faid Sheriff by Indenture betwixt them thereof to be made; (3) and that the Sheriffs have Allowance in their Accompt in the Ex- chequer by the fame Indenture : (4) And that no Duke, Earl, Baron, or Baneret, albeit they be af- figned Juftices of the Peace, and hold their Seffions with the other Eight Juftices, fhall take any Wages for the faid Office. (5) And that the Juftices f put their Names J in the fame Eftreats, together with the Number of the Days of their Seffions, to the Intent that the Sheriffs may know to whom to pay the Wa- ges, and to whom not ; and the Barons of the Ex- chequer, to whom to allow, and to whom not: (6) And that the Seals be made for the Servants, and de- livered to the keeping of. fome good Man of the Country, after the Purport of the faid Statute of Can- terbury; (7) which Statute, with the Modification of the fame made at the laft Parliament, and the Sta- tute of Weights and Meafures, and all other good Statutes and Ordinances made heretofore, and not repealed, fhall be holden and kept, and put in due Execution.' The Juftices Eftreats (hall be double.

  • Add and tbu'r

Clerks, What Juftices iliaM be allowed no Wages. ■f- Add nvbo hold their Sfflons. % Add and the Names of their Clerks. A Seal for Ser- vants. 13 R. i. flat. I. c. 7. C A P. XII. The Value of Scottijh Money of feveral Sorts. ITEM qe la grote de la monoye dEfcoce courge en value tantfoulement de deux deniers Engleys & la dimy grote dEfcoce en value dun denier Engleys & le denier dEfcoce en value dun maill Engleis et le rnaill dEfcoce en value dun ferthyng Engleys et ii la monoye dEfcoce foit empeire qe la value ent foit abregge folonc lafferant. Et qe commiffions foient faitz parmy le Roialme denquerre de ceux qont porte ou envoie la monoie dEngleterre en Efcoce pur y faire bullion ou monoie dEfcoce en prejudice et damage du Roi et du Roialme. > R EX vicecomiti Kane' falutem. Precipimus tibi firmiter injungentes quod quedam ftatuta et ordina- tiones per nos de affenfu Magnatum et Communitatum regni noftri Anglie*** Memorana" this is left imperfeoi on the Roll. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 15 Rich. II. and Anno Dom, 1391. Ex Rot. in Turr. Ix>nd. m. 7. AU parlement tenuz a Weftm' lendemayn des almes Ian du regne noftre Seignur le Roi Richard fecond puis leconqueit quinzifrne noftre dit Seignur le Roi de lafient de fon dit par- lement ad ordeine et eftabli cerfeines chofes en la fourme qenfuit. fN the Parliament holden at IFeftminfler, the Morrow after All-Souls, the fifteenth Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second after the Conqueft, our faid Lord the King by the Affent of the faid Parliament hath ordained and eftablifhed certain Things in the Form following." CAP. I. A Confirmation of all former good Statutes not repealed. EN primes qe toutz les bones eftatutz et ordei- nancesdevant ces heures faitz et nient repel- lez foient fermement tenuz et garde?-. IRST, That all good Statutes and Ordinance? made before this Time, and not repealed, be firmly holden and kept.' CAP.