A. D. 1391: Attiio decimo tjuinto Richardi II. C. 4, 5. 401 ' Realm; faving . always to the King all Manner of ' Forfeitures and Profits thereof coming ; (4) And he ' fhall have alfo jurifdiclion upon the faid Flotes, du- ' ring the faid Voyages only, faving always to the Lords, Ra(1, 2 3< ' Cities, and Boroughs their Liberties and Franchifes.' ' 3 R-2 ' ftat " *' c. ^, See 2 H. 4. c, II. which gives Reiticdy to Bra wild is •wrong fully fued in mi CoUrt of Admiralty j and farther S Eha. c. 5. and i ff r . G? M, fjf. 2, c. 2. Ex Rof. hi T'wr. Lond. nantz Et eit enfement jurifdiclioh fuf les dites flefz durantz les elites viages tantfoulerrtcnt Sauvant tout- dis as Seignurs citees & burghs lour libertecs & franchifes. CAP. IV. There fhall be but eight Bufhels of Corn ftriked to the Quarter. ITEM come ordeigne foit par diverfes eftatutz qune mefure de blee vin & cervoife foit parmy le Roialme & qe oeptbufflx rafez facent un quar- tre de blee nientmeins a caufe qe nulle peyne eft Air ce ordeine en les ditz eftatutz plufours gentz de diverfes citees burghs villes & marchces ne voillent prendre nachatre en les ditz citees burghs villes & marchees naillours finoun noef buffelx pur le quar- tre & fils ne les purront achatre en tiel manere ils la- reftent come forfait a trefgrant damage & oppreffion de tout la commune poeple & overtement encontre leftarutz fuifditz ordeignez eft & affentuz qe les ditz eftatutz foient fermement gardez & tenuz fibien en la citee deLoundres come aillours parmy le Roialme & fibien par ewe come par terre nient contrefteant afcune ufage avant ces heures a contraire. Et qe null defore enavant achate en la dite Citee de Loun- dres naillours nulle manere blee ou brees finoun oept buffelx pur le quartre folonc le purport des ditz_e- ftatutz fur peine de foffaire tout leblee ou brees if- fint achate fauvantla dite forfaiture au Roi forfpris franchifes roiales as querux le Roi a cefte foitz ad grante ycelle forfeiture de fa grace & qe fibien les Mair & Vifcountz de Londres come les mairs & baillifs dautres citees burghs villes & marchees fils ne facent ent pleine & due execution encourgent autiele peine fibien au fuite du Roi come de partie & dautre queconqe qe vorra fuir pur le Roi. T E M, Whereas it is ordained by divers Statutes, 9 H. i-flat. t. that one Meafure of Corn, Wine and Ale ihonld c,1 5'
- be throughout the Realm, and that eight Bufhels
- ftriked make the Quarter of Corn ; (2) neverthelefs,
- becaufe that no Pain is thereupon ordained in the faid
- Statutes, divers People of divers Cities, BorOu ;hs,
- Townsj and Markets, will not take, neither buy in
- the faid Cities, Boroughs, Towns, Markets, ne in
- none other Place, but nine Bufhels for the Quarter;
- (3 J and if they cannot buy in that Manner, they
- arreft it as forfeit, to the great Damage and Oppref-
- fion of all the People, and manifeftly againft the
- Statutes aforefaid ;' ' (4) it is ordained and affent-
ed, That the faid Statutes fliall be firmly kept and holden, -as well in the City of London, as in every other Place throughout the Realm, and that as well by Water as by Land, notwithftanding any Ufage in 1 H - S> c « Jftr Times paft to the contrary. (5) And that none from henceforth do buy in the City of London, not in other Place, any Manner of Corn or Malt, but after eight Bufhels for the Quarter, according to the Purport of the faid Statutes, upon Pain of Forfeiture of all the Corn or Malt fo bought ; faving to the King the faid Forfeiture, except Franchifes Royal, to whom the King at this Time of his fpecial Grace hath granted the fame Forfeiture * ; (6) and that as well the Mayor * Ad<i °f^k and Sheriffs of London, as the Mayors and Bailiffs of Gracc - other Cities, Boroughs, Towns, and Markets (if they do not thereof full and due Execution) fhall in- cur like Pain, as well at the Suit of the King, as of the Party, or of any other Pe'rfon that will fue for the „ ,. King.' Enforced by See farther concerning Weights and Meafures 13 H, 7, c, 5. 16 Car. 1. c. ig CAP. V. Afiuranee of Lands to certsin Places, Perfons, and Ufes, fhall be adjudged Mortmain. 11 H. 7. c. and 22 Car, 2. 1 ITEM come contenuz foit en leftatut de P.eligi- oufes qe null religious nautre queconqe achate iie vende ou fouz colour de doun ou terme ou dau- tre title queconqe dafcun refceive ou dafcun en af- cune manere par art ou par engyn a luy face ap- proprier afcunes terres ou tenementz fur forfaiture tlycelles par quoi les ditz terres & tenementz pur- ront en afcune rnanere devenir a mort mayn. Et qe fi afcun religious ou afcun autre veigne encontre le diteftafut par art oil par engyn en afcune ma- nere bien life au Roi & as autres Seignurs les ditz rerres & tenementz entrer ficome en le dit eftatut eft contenuz plus au plein. Et ore de novell par fotileymagination & par art & engyn afcuns gentz de religion parfons vikers & autres perfortes elpiri- tiels font entrez en diverfes terres & tenementz ad- joignantz a lour efglife & dycelles par fuffrance & aflent de tenantz out fait cimiters & par bulks del Vol. I. TEM, Whereas it is contained in the Statute 7 Edi i. fiat. *» De rcligiofis, That no Religious, nor other what- foever he be, clo buy or fell, or under Colour of Gift, or Term, or any other Manner of Title what- foever, receive of any Maiij or in any Manner by Gift or Engine caufe to be appropriated unto him any Lands or Tenements, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame, whereby the faid Lands and Tenements in any Manner might come to Mortmain, (z) And if any Religious, Or any other, do againft the faid If ' s within the Statute by Art or Engine in any Manner, that it s°™f t a e fs ° f the he lawful to the King, and to Other Lords, upon the Mortmain to faid Lands and Tenements to enter, as in the faid convert any Statute doth more fully appear, (sj And now ofL^ndtoa late by fubtile Imagination, and by Art, and Engine, Church-yard, fome religious Perfons, Parfons, Vicars, and other fpiritual Perfons, have entered in divers Lands and Tenements, which be adjoining to their Churches, F f f « and