Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/457

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A. D. 1393. Anno decimo feptimo Richardi II. C. 7 — 9. 41 r CAP. VII. All the King's Subjeds may carry Corn out of the Realm when they will. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM le Roiala requeft des Communes a luy fait en ceft prefent parlement ad graunte licence a touz fes Rep. ijat.t. liges de fon Roialme dEngleterre de fldpper & amefner bleds hors de dit Roialme as queux parties qe lour c < « 8 > plerra horfpris as enemys paiantz les fubfides & devoirs ent duez nientcontrefteant afcune ordinance procla- mation ou defenfe fait devaunt ces heures a contraire Nientmeins ils voet qe fon confeil purra reftreindre le dit pafiage quant lour femblera bofoignable pur profit de Roialme. CAP. VIII. The Sheriff's, and all other the King's Officers, fhall fupprefs Rioters, and imprifon them, and all other offending againft the Peace. ITEM coment qa parlement tenuz a Weftm' Ian du regne noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft quint pur ceo qe villeins et autres meffefours tard devaunt leverent par affemblees et outrageoufe nombre en diverfes parties de Roialme encontre la dignitee no- ftre Seignur le Roi et fa corone et les leies de fa terre defendu fuift par noftre Seignur le Roi eftroi- tement a touz maners des gentz qe nul delors fer- roit ou recomenceroit tielx riot ou rumour nautres femblables et fi nully le ferroit et ceo prove due- ment ferroit fait de luy come de traitour au Roi et fon Roialme Nientmeins grevoufe pleint fuift fait a noftre dit Seignur le Roi en ceft prefent parlement qe diverfes gentz nient eiantz consideration a dit de- fenfe fibien en les countees de Ceftre Lancaftre et aillours en Engleterre ont faitz tielx affemblees en outrageoufe nombre pur accomplir lour malice en-* contre la pees noftre Seignur le Roi fa corone et fa dignite et les leies de fa terre par quoi noftre Seig- nur le Roi en ceft prefent parlement ad defendu a touz fes lieges fibien Seignurs come autres de que- cunqe eftat qils foient qe null face tielx affemblees riot ou rumour encontre la pees en nul manere et ft afcun tiel affemble foit comenceant a pluis toft qe vifcontz et autres miniftres le Roi poent ent avoir coniffance ove la force du countee et pais ou tie! cas aviegne mettent deftourbance encontre tiel ma- lice ove tout lour poair et preignent tielx meffe- fours et les mettent en prifone tanqe due execution de leie foit fait de eux & qe touz Seignurs & autres liges du Roialme foient entendantz & aidantz de tout lour force & poair as vifcontz & miniftres a- vauntditz en tiel cas. r./aM.c 8&f 9. 11H.7.C.7. I9H. 7. e. 13. iiH. S. c. vib'iib lofl Act certain Kindt if Rials arc made Felony -without Benefit " ¥ TEM, Whereas at the Parliament holden at Enforcedly " 1 Wejlmhi/ier, the * Tenth Year of the Reign of ' ^ H - «■■ c - 7. " our Sovereign Lord the King that now is ; forafmuch "yo" ? 6 Ci " as Villaines and other Offenders of late have rifen by * piftb? ' ' " Affemblies and outrageous Number in divers Parties " of the Realm, againft the King's Dignity and his " Crown, and the Laws of his Land j it was ftraintly " defended by the King to all Manner of People, That " none from henceforth fhould make, or begin again " fuch Riot or Rumour, nor other like; and if any " Man did, and that duly proved, he fhould be taken " as a Traytor to the King and his Realm. Neverthe- " lefs a grievous Complaint was made to our Sovereign " Lord the King in this prefent Parliament, That di^ " verfe People not having Confideration to the faid De- " fence, as well in the Counties of Chefler, Lancafteri " and elfewhere in England^, have made fuch Afl'em- " blies in outragious Manner, to accomplifh their Ma- " lice againft the King's Peace, his Crown, his Dig- " nity, and the Laws of his Land :" ' Wherefore our ' Sovereign Lord the King in this prefent Parliament ' hath defended to all the liege People, as well Lords ' as other 3 of whatfoever Eftate that they be, that ' none fhall make fuch Affemblies, Riot, or Rumour 4 againft the Peace in no wife ; and if any fuch Affem- ' bly be begun as foon as the Sheriffs and other the 4 King's Minifters may thereof have Knowledge, they

with the Strength of the County and Country, where 

' fuch Cafe fhall happen, fhall fet Difturbance againft ' fuch Malice with all their Power, and fhall take fuch ' Offenders, and them put in Prifon, till due Execu- ' tion of the Law be of them made, and that all Lords ' and other liege People of the Realm, fhall be attend- ' ing f with all their Strength and Power to the She- t Aii ani <*id~ ' rifts and Minifters aforefaid.' ' '31' , dec farther 2 //. io. 3 & 4 Ed. 6, c 5. 1 Afar. JrJJ'. 2. r. 12. 1 E!. c. 16= and 1 Geo, 1 . flat, s, c. 5. by »f Clergy, CAP. IX. Juftices of Peace fhall be Confervatofs of the Statutes made touching Salmons. ITEM come contenu foit en leftatut de Weftm' feconde qe falmofeux ne foient prifez ne de- ftruitz par rees ne par autres engines a leftankes de molyns de dimy April tanqe la Nativite de feint Johan le Baptiftre fur certeine peine limite en mef- me leftatut. Etcome par eftatut fait Ian trefzime .noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft ordeigne fuift qe le dit eftatut de Weftm' feconde ferroit fermement te- nuz Scgardez ajoufte a icell qe falmofeux ne fuffent prifez & leftankes des molyns naillours fur mefme la , (H:. j. ITEM, Where it is contained in the Statute of 13 Ed. s. Wejlminjler the Second, that young Salmons fhall c. 47- , not be taken nor deftroyed by Nets, or by other En- '3 ^^ ftat ' *• gines, at the Stanks of Mills, from the Midft of c 9 ' April till the Nativity of St. John the Bapii/I, upon a certain Pain limited in the fame Statute: And whereas by a Statute made the xiii Year of the King that now is, it was ordained, That the faid Statute of Weflminjler the Second fhould be firmly holden and kept, (2) joyning to the fame, That young Salmons G g g s " fhould