Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/476

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430 Cap. 13, Anno primo Henrici IV. A Confirmati- on of the Sta- tutes of 25 Ed 3. flat. 4. c. 4 and 45 Ed, 3. c. 2. touch- ing the pulling down or aba- ting of Wears, Mills, 63V. Commiflions ihali be award- ed to certain Juftices to fur- vey Wears, and to redtefs Offences, He that hath the Freehold of the Land, iriall perform the Juftices award touching trre lame. 21 R. 2. c. 1 Suforcedby i2Ed. 4. c. 7. which inji'iBs Penalty on " Remedy be not thereof provided :" . (8) It is ac-

  • corded and eftablifhed by the Affent aforefaid, That

' the faid Statutes be in all their Articles holden, and ' firmly kept, and duly executed, with all the Pains, ' and after the Effect of the fame. (9) Joined there- .* to, That Commiffions be made in due Form to fuf- ' ficient Perfons to be Juftices in every County of

  • England, where Need fhall be, to furvey and keep

' the Waters and great Rivers there, and to corredt 6 and amend the Defaults, and to make due Execution

  • of the faid Statutes, after the Effect of the fame, as

' well by their Survey, Advice, and Difcretion, as ' by Inquefts thereof to be taken, as well within Fran- ' chile as without, fo often and when Need fhall be, ' and to hear and determine the Things aforefaid ; (10) ' and moreover to furvey the Wears, Mills, S tanks, ' Stakes, and Kidels in old Times made and levied ' before the faid Time of King Edward, Son of King ' Henry ; and them that they find too much enhanced ' or ftraited, to correct, pull down, and amend in the

  • Manner and Form aforefaid, faving always a reafon-

' able Subftance of Wears, Mills, Stanks, Stakes, and

  • Kidels aforefaid, fo in old Times made and levied.

' (11) And if any fuch Noifances of Wears, Mills, ' Stanks, Stakes, and Kidels, of Paffages and Straitings

  • in old Times made and levied, be judged and awarded

' by the faid Juftices to be pulled down and amended, ' he that hath the Freehold of the fame fhall make ' thereof Execution at his own Cofts, within half a ' Year after Notice to him thereof to be made, upon

  • Pain of an hundred Marks to be paid to the King by
  • Eftreats of the Exchequer ; (12) and he that caufeth
  • them to be repaired or enhanced, or ftraited, againft

' the faid Judgement, and thereof be duly convict,

  • fhall incur the Pain of an hundred Marks, to be
  • paid to the King by Eftreats in the Exchequer afore -

' faid ; (13) and in cafe that any feeleth himlelf grieved ' by Execution or other Way in this Behalf, againft ' Right and Reafon, he may purfue, and fhall have ' Right and Remedy.' Offenders. See farther 3 fac. 1. <r. 12. 7 Jac. 1. c. 19. 6 £f 7 IF. 3. e. 16. A. D. 1399. Ex Rot. in Tufr. Lond. aviendrent de jour en autre fi remede ent'ne foit mis Accordez eft & eftabliz de laffent avauntdit qe les ditz eftatutz foient en touz lour articles tenuz he fermement gardez & duement execute ovec les peines ti felonc 1 effect diceiles adjouftant a ycelles qe commiffions foient faites endue fourme as fuffi- ceantz perfones deftre Juftices en chefcune conte dEngleterre ou buffoigne ferra <3e furveier & garder les eaux & graundz rivers ilkofqes & les defauts corriger & amender & due execution faire de les ditz eftatutz felonc leffect diceiles ftbien par lour furveue avis & difcretion come par enqueftes ent aprendre deinz franchifes & dehors ft & quant buffoigne ferra & doier & terminer les chofes fuifditz & outre ce de furveier les gors molyns eftankes eftakes & kideux anuncienement faitz & levez devaunt le dit temps du Roi E. fitz a Roi H. & ceux qils troverent trop enhancez ou eftreitez de les corriger abater & amender en le manere & forme fuifdit fauvant toutefoitz refonable fubftance des les gors molyns eftankes eftakes & kideux fuifditz iffint auncienement faitz & levez. Et fi aucuns tielx anufances des gors molyns eftankes eftakes & kideux des paffages & eftroi- tures anunciement faitz & levez foient adjuggez ou agardez par les ditz Juftices deftre abatez & amendez cellui qad le franc tenement diceiles ferra ent execution as fes cuftages deinz un demy an apres notification a lui ent affaire fur peine de cent marcz appaiers au Roi par eftretes en lefcheqer & cellui qi les face relever ou enhancer ou eftreiter encontre le dit juggement & de ce foit duement convict encourge la peine de cent marcz apaiers a Roi par eftretes en lefcheqer fufdite et en cas qe afcune fe fent eftre grevez par execution ou autre voie en celle partie encountre droit & raifon purfue & eit droit & remede. 1 Ceo. j. fat. 2. c. iS. containing farther Protifonsreff effing Wears. C A P. XIII. Cuftomers, Controllers, Searchers, csV. fhall be removeable at the King's Pleafure, and fhall be refident upon their Offices. •Md—iheff- tt'nth of St. Hil- lary in. Dyer 303. Officers which fhall have no EfHte, but be removeable at the King's Pleafure. "'iunour. Cuftomers and Controllers ihall be refi- dent upon their Offices. 17 R.2. c. 5. 31 H. 6. c. r,. 1 El. c. 11. f. g. Steel, H.4. c. 20. Jj //. 4. c. S . cc tnun- TTEM, Whereas in the Statute made at Weft, -*■_/?«"* the feventeenth Year of the faid late King •.(. Richard, it was amongft other Things ordained " and ftablifhed, That no Searcher, Gauger of Wines, " Aulneger, Finder a , or Weigher of Woolls, or any " other Merchandife, Collectors of Cuftoms and Sub- " fidies, nor Controllers, have Eftate in his Office for " Term of Life or Years ; but that the fame Offices " remain in the King's Hands under the Governance " of the Treafurer for the Time being, with the Affent " of the Council, when Need fhall be; (2) and if any " Charters or Letters Patents be made contrary, they " fhall be voided and of none Effect :" ' (3) It is ac- ' corded and alfented, That the faid Statute be firmly ' holden and kept, and put in due Execution : (4) ' Joined to the fame, that Cuftomers and Controllers ' in every Port of England fhall be refident upon their ' Offices in their proper Perfons, without making any ' Deputy or Lieutenant in their Names.' wbicbptn Cufltmcrt undtr fcirth .r ReJirlSihm. Sec liketuije 1 1 & 12 W. 3. c, 20. ITEM come en leftatut fait a Weftm' al quin- zifme Seint Hillar' Ian du regne le dit nadgairs Roi Richard dis & feptifme entre autres chofes ordeinez foit & eftabliz qe null fercheour gaugeour des vyns alneour tronour poifour des laines ou aucuns autres merchandife collectour des cuftumes & fubfides qeconqes ou contrerollour eit eftat en fon office a terme de vie ou de; ans ainz qe les ditz offices demoergent es mains du Roi fouz gover- nance del Treforer pur le temps efteant ovec laffent du confeil quaunt y bufoigne et fi afcuns chartres ou lcttres patents foient faitz a contrair qils fer- roient outrement voidez & de null effect Accordez eft & affentuz qe le dit eftatut foit fermement tenuz & gardez & mis en due execution Adjouftant a ycelle qe les cuftumers & contrerollours en chef- cune port dEngleterre demoergent fur lour offices en lour propres perfones faunz afcun depute ou lieutenant faire en lour nouns. which take: avav Auli.ave Duties. CAP.