Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/482

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436 Cap. 4, 5, Anno fecundo Henrici IV. A. D. 1400. CAP. IV. The Penalties for purchafing of Bulls to be difcharged of Tithes. a Roll 4&s. 13 EL. 2 flat. c. ■:. See 13 El. c. 2 for lie Penalty bringing Buth, & R.'jms. of ITEM, For as much as our Lord the King, upon grievous Complaint to him made in this Parlia- ament, hath perceived, That the Religious Men of ' the Order of Cifleaux in the Realm of England, have

purchafed certain Bulls to be quit and difcharged to
pay the Tithes of their Lands, Tenements, and Pof-
lemons let to Ferm, or manured, or occupied by-

other Perfons than by themfelves, in great Prejudice and Derogation of the Liberty of holy Church, and of many liege People of the Realm ;" (2) ' our Lord the King willing thereupon to ordain Remedy, by the Advice and AiTentof the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the lnftance and Requeft of the faid Commons, hath ordained and ftablifhed, That the Religious Perfons of the Order of Cijleaux fhall ftand in the Eftate that they were before the Time of fuch Bulls purchafed ; (3) and that as well they of the faid Order, as all other religious and Seculars, of what Eftate or Condition they b?, which do put the faid Bulls in Execution, or from henceforth do purchafe other fuch Bulls of new, or by Colour of the fame Bulls purchafed, or to be purchafed, do take Advantage in any Manner, that Procefs fhall be made againft them and every of them by Garnifh- ment of two Months by Writ of Premunire facias ; (4) and if they make Default, or be attainted, then they fhall incur the Pains and Forfeitures contained in the Statute of Provifors, made the Thirteenth Year of the faid King Richard.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM por ce qe noftre Seignur le Roy fur gre- voufe compleint a luy fait en cell parlement ad entenduz qe les religioufes hommes de lordre de Cifteux del Roialme dEngleterre ont purchacez certeines bulks deftre quitz & defchargiez de leur difmes paier de leur terres tenementz & poffeflions leffez a ferme oj cultivez & occupiez par autres perfones qe par eux mefmes en grant prejudice & derogation de la liberte de Seinte efglife & des plufeurs lieges du Roialme Noftre Seignur le Roi veullant fur ceo purvoir de remede de ladvis &c aflent des toutz les Seignurs efpirituelx & tempo- relx & al inftance & requeft des ditz communes ad ordeignez & eftabliz qe les religioufes de lordre de Cifteux eftoifent en leftat qils feurent devant le temps des tielx bulles purchac:z. Et qe fibien ceux du dit ordre come toutz autres religioufes & feculers de quel eftat ou condition qils foient qi mettent les dites bulles en execution ou defore ena- vant purchacent autres tielx bulks de novel ou par colour de mefmes les bulles purchacez ou a purcha- cers preignent avantage en aucune manere qe pro- ces foit fait devers eux & chefcun de eux par gar- nifement de deux moys par brief de Premunire facias. Et fils facent defaut ou foient atteintz qils- encourgent les peines & forfaitures comprifes en. leftatut des provifours fait Ian xiii m5 . le Roy Rich- ard fuifdit. CAP. V. He that carrieth Gold or Silver out of the Realm fhall confefs fo much. 5 R. C. 2. 2, flat. j. v yT'EM, Whereas in the Statute made at Weft- " X. minjier in the fifth Year of the faid King Ri- " chard, amongft other Things it is contained, how " it was affented, accorded, and enjoined by the faid " late King to all Manner of People, Merchants, " Clerks, and others, as well Strangers as Denizens, " of whatfoever Eftate or Condition they fhould be, " upon Pain of as much as they might forfeit, that " none of them, upon the faid Pain, privily nor " openly fhould fend or carry, norcaufe to be fent or " carried, out of the faid Realm of England-, any " Gold or Silver in Money, Bullion, Plate, Veffel, M nor by Exchange to be made, except the Wages of ajaft. 74r. " Calais, and other the King's Fortreffes beyond the M Sea, faving certain Prelates, Lords, and others com- " prized in the fame Statute, without fpecial Leave, " and Licence thereupon firft had, as by the fame " Statute may more fully appear :" (2) ' our Lord the

  • King, for to prevent the Subtilty of them that will

' do Fraud or Deceit to him in this Behalf, hath or-

  • dained and ftablilhed, That if from henceforth any

' Searcher of the King may find Gold or Silver in ' Coin, or in Mafs, in the keeping of any^that is paf- ' fing, or upon his Paffage, in any Ship or Veffel to go ' out of any Port, Haven, or Creek of the Realm, ' without the King's fpecial Licence, all that Gold or 4 Silver fhall he forfeit to the King, (3) faving his ' reafonable Expences, which he fhall be bound to ITEM come en leftatut fait a Weftm' Ian quint le dit Roi Richard entre autres chofes foit contenuz coment affentuz eftoit aecordez & defen- duz depar le dit nadgairs Roy as toutz maneres des gentz merchantz clercs & autres fibien es- tranges come deinzeins de quelconque eftat ou con- dition qils ferroient fur peine de quant qils pur- roient forfaire qe nully de eux fur la dite peine en privee nen appert envoieroit namefneroit ou ferroit envoier ou amefner hors du Roialme dEn- gleterre aucun or ou argent en monoie bollion plate vefTell ne par efchange affaire exceptz ks gages de Caleys & des autres forterefTes du Roi depar dela & exceptz par efpecial Prclatz Seig- nurs Si autres comprifes en mefme leftatut eue fur ce primerement efpeciale congie & licence du Roy come par ycell eftatut y purra plus pleiriement apparoir Noftre Seignur le Roy pur obvier a la fubtilite deceux qi vorront faire fraude ou deceit au luy celle partie ad ordeignez & eftabliz qe fi defore enavant aucun fercheour da Roy purra trover or ou argent en coyne ou en made en la garde dau- cuny qi foit en paffant ou fur fon paffage en au- cune nief ou vefTell pur aler hors daucun port havens ou crike du Roialme faunz efpeciak congee dn Roy tout eel or ou argent foit forfait au Roy forfpris fes refonables defpenfes queux il ferxa teAuz de confeflcr & defcoverix maintenant apres qe