Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/541

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A. D. 1414. Anno fecundo Henrici V. Stzt r. 495 Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. fouth-vifcount de mefme les countees & auxi les juftices daffifes pur le temps qils ferront en lour feffions en cas qe afcun tiel riote affemble ou route fe ferroit en lour prefence ferroient execution de ceft eftatut chefcun fur peine de C. li. appaierez au Roy atantz de foitz qils ferroient trovez en de- faute del execution de mefme leftatut. Et pur tant qe pleufeurs riotes routes & affemblees ont efte faitz en diverfes parties du Roialme puis la confection & proclamation du dit eftatut a caufe qe mefme leftatut nad mye efte mys en due execu- tion come noftre treffoverain Seignur le Roy lad concieu par diverfes & hidoufes compleintz a luy faitz en cefte prefent parlement Mefme noftre Seignur le Roy voillant fur ceo faire pluis greindre remedie del advys & affent avantditz & al priere des ditz Communes ad ordeigne & eftablie qe fi defaute foit trovee en les ditz deux juftices de la pees ou juftices daffifes & le vifcount ou foutz- vifcount del countee ou tiel riote affemble ou route fe ferra touchant lexecution qils doient faire par vertue del dit eftatut & dont mefme leftatut fait mention qadonqes al inftance de la partie grevee iffera commiffion le Roy defouz fon graunt feal denquerer fibien de la veritee del cas & de la ma- tier originale pur la partie compleignante come de le defaute ou defautes des ditz juftices vifcount ou foutz-vifcount celle partie fuppofez a adreffer as fufficeantz perfones indifferentz a la nomination & advis du Chaunceller dEngleterre & qe les ditz commiffioners meintenant envoient en la Chaun- cellerie les enqueftes & matiers devant eux ceile partie prifez & trovez. Et outre ceo qe les co- roners de mefme le countee pur le temps efteantz ou tiel riote affemble ou route fe ferra ferront les panelles fur la dite commiffion retournables pur le temps qe le vifcount iffint en defaute fuppofce eftoife en fon office les quelles coroners retourne- ront nulles perfones mes tielx qe ont terres tene- mentz ou rent a le value de x. li. par an a meyns. Et auxi qe mefmes les coroners retourneront fur chefcun des dites perfones a empanellerz a le primer jour qant iffuez font a perdrez xx. s. au meyns & a feconde jour xl. s. a meyns & a tierce jour C.s. a meyns & a chefcun jour apres le dou- ble au meyns les queux iffues iffint retournez par caufe de non apparance de tielx empanellez ferront ajuggez come forfaitz au Roy h a fon oeps leva- bles. Et fi defaute foit trove en les ditz coroners touchant le retourne de tielx gentz a empanellerz ou touchant le retourne dautielx iffues come avant eft dit qe chefcun de eux perdra al oeps le Roy xl. li. Et fil aveigne qe le dit vifcount enfi rette en defaute foit defcharge de fon office a temps qe tiel commiffion iffera hors de la Chauncellerie qadon- qes le novell vifcount de mefme le counte fon fuc- ceffour immediat ou mediat pur le temps efteant & nient les coroners de meifme le countee ferra le panell fur celle commiffion retournable en les maner & fourme come les ditz coroners ferront en temps qant le vifcount iffint rette en. defaute efteit en fon office. Et qe mefme le novell vifcount eneourgera autiele peine de xl.. li. enve-rs- le Roi, " together with the Sheriff or Under-Sheriff of the " fame Counties, and alfo the Juftices of Affifes for " the Time that they fhall be in their Seffions, in " cafe that any fuch Riot, Affembly, or Rout be- " made in their Prefence, fhall make Execution of " this Statute, every one of them upon Pain of an " C. li. to be paid to the King, as often as they fhali " be found in Default of Execution of the fame " Statute. (7) And forafmuch as many Riots, Routs, and Affemblies have been made in divers " Parts of the Realm, fince the making and Procia- " mation of the fame Statute, becaufe that the fame " Statute hath not been put in due Execution, as our " Sovereign Lord the King hath perceived by divers " and grievous Complaints to him made in this pre- " fent Parliament ;" ' (8j the fame our Lord the Commiffions ' King, willing hereof to provide a better Remedy, by ""!' be . awanied ' the Advice and Affent aforefaid, and at lie. Suit rfJu^S "Jf the ' the faid Commons, ha'h ordained and ftablifhed, juftices and ' That if Default be found in the faid two Juftices of SheriffsDefaults, ' the Peace, or Juftices of Affifes, and the Sheriff or4 I1UI..184.. ' Under-Sheriff of the County, where fuch Riot, Af- ' fembly, or Rout fhall be made, touching the Execu- ' tion that they ought to. make by Virtue of the faid ' Statute, and whereof the faid Statute maketh Men- ' tion, that then at the Inftance of the Party grieved, ' the King's Commiffion fhall go out under his Great ' Seal, to inquire as well of the Truth of the Cafe, ' and of the original Matter for the Party Complainant,. ' as of the Default or Defaults of the faid Juftices,. ' Sheriff, or Under-Sheriff, in this Behalf fuppofed, c to be directed to fufficient and indifferent Perfons, at ' the Nomination and by the Direction of the Chan- ' cellor of the Realm of England ; (9) and that the ' faid Commiffioners prefently fhall return into the ' Chancery the Inquefts and Matters before them in ' this Behalf taken and found ; and moreover, that The Coroners ' the Coroners of the fame County for the time bein?, """ T ur rh ?-' c • 1 • 1 r^ r 1 t> • rr i i t-« fc lnqueft, ard ofr in which County fuch Riot, Aiiembly, or Rout w h at Sufficiency ' fhall be made, fhall make the Panel upon the faid the jurors (hall ' Commiffion returnable for the Time that the Sheriff" be - ' fo fuppofed in Default fhall continue in his Office,. ' (11) which Coroners fhall return no Perfons, but^J^^

only fuch which have Lands,. Tenements, or Rents re ° u °n upon&e-

' to the Value of xl. by Year at leaft; (12) and alfo jurors, and- ' that the fame Coroners fhall return upon every of the upon what Fe* 1 faid Perfons empanelled at the firft Day when. Iffues nalt y- ' be to be loft, xx s. at the leaft, and at the fecond

Day xl s„ at the leaft, and at the third Day C. s. at

' the leaft, and at every Day after the Double at the

leaft ; which Iffues fo returned by Caufe of Non-

1 appearance of fuch Perfons empanelled, fhall be ad-

judged as forfeit to the King, and leviable to his Ufe 5;
(13) and if Default be found in the faid Coroners^.
touching the Return of fuch Perfons to be empanel- 
led, or touching theReturn of fuchlffues,as afore isfaid,.
that every of them fhall forfeit to the King's Ufe Where tbeShe*.-
forty Pounds ; (14) and if it happen that the faid c'L^ffia!!'*
Sheriff fo reputed in Default, be difcharged of his re ° u ° n e t ^ ei j a UPy ^
Office at the lime that fuch- Commiffion' fhall be

' awarded out of the Chancery, that then the new

Sheriff of the fame County, his Succeffor mediate or
immediate for the time being, and not the Coroners 
' of the fame County, fhall make the Panel upon this

" Commiffion returnable in Manner and Form, as. the

faid Coroners fhould do in Time wh~n the Sheriff fo-

'--reputed' in Default- continued in his Office; (15) " and!